HOME LEARNING Friday 27th November 2020

Date: 27th Nov 2020 @ 8:25am

Year 4

Home Learning Friday 27th November 2020

Good morning Year 4.  I hope you had a lovely day yesterday and achieved your personal goal – I can’t wait to hear what interesting goals you set yourself!

Please complete today’s work in your exercise book, as you will need to bring it back into school when you return.

Please remember to take part in the Sumdog challenges that started last Friday.  24 children have now taken part in the Maths challenges – this is brilliant, well done - and 7 in the Spelling challenge.  New challenges will be starting today at 4pm, so make sure you get involved.  I will be seeing each week who has spent the most time on the challenges and there are plenty of Dojo’s up for grabs! Well done to Neeve and Evie who are currently in the lead.  On Monday, I will let you know who spent the most time on this week’s challenges!

New Sumdog challenges start at 4pm this evening.  They are:

  • A spelling challenge based on new spellings set today (see below)
  • A grammar challenge relating to co-ordinating conjunctions (for, and, nor, but, or, yet, so) and subordinating conjunctions
  • A maths times table challenge (based on the 2, 5 and 10 times tables)


Today, please read out loud to someone at home for 20 minutes.  Make sure you discuss what has happened in the chapter / story and who the characters are – who is your favourite and why.   Can you summarise what has happened in the story so far?

Ask someone at home for the meaning of words you are unsure of or look them up in a dictionary – you may like to write the new vocabulary in your reading diary and then you can use these words in your own writing.

You can find even more books to read on our website.  Go to Year 4, Home Learning and click on Oxford Owl.  Use the class login and password and explore lots of books to read.


Your spellings for the next week all have ‘ou’ in them, the ‘uh’ sound. 

touch             trouble        young           nourish        flourish

tough             courage        encourage    double          enough

discourage     rough           cousin          country        couple

Copy the words out carefully and write a definition for them.  Ask someone at home to help or use a dictionary if you find this tricky.  A few of you may wish to choose just 5 words and learn those really well.              

Times tables

  1. Practise your current times table target using


Play ‘Hit the Answer’ 3 times - see if you can improve on how many you get right in 1 minute.  Then play ‘Hit the Question’ 3 times, again see if you can improve on how many you get right in 1 minute.

Add your results to yesterday’s log. Are you getting more right? Are you getting quicker?

  1. Practise any times tables you like using ‘Hit the Button’, make sure they are different from yesterday’s (remember to keep going over tables / division facts you should know).  Repeat this and see if you can beat your score.


  1. Practise your 6 times table dancing and singing with Fred the Red.


(Apologies to those of you who aren’t Manchester United fans!!)



  1. Write an alternative ending to the Iron Man

As you know, we finished reading The Iron Man this week.  Today, I would like you to write your own ending to the story, your own Chapter 5.  Here are some things to think about which may help you with ideas.

Did the Iron Man get shipped to Australia and challenge the space-bat-angel-dragon to something different?

Did the Iron Man win the challenge? And if so, what happened to the SBAD?

Did the SBAD win the challenge? And if so, what happened to the Iron Man and the world?

Perhaps the Iron Man’s plan wasn’t for him to challenge the SBAD, instead Hogarth needed to battle with the SBAD.

Did the SBAD eat what he wanted and then leave as suddenly as he came?

The choice is entirely yours as to how you want to finish the story.

Make sure that you:

  • Use capital letters and full stops
  • Write in your best, joined up handwriting
  • Check your spellings very carefully
  • Write in the past tense (it has already happened) and third person (you are telling the story, you are not in it)
  • Try and include some excellent vocabulary and different sentence openers
  • Try and write in the style of Ted Hughes (repetition of words, short sentences, longer sentences, descriptive)

Give your chapter a title, according to what your ending is going to be. In the book, Chapter 5 was called The Iron Man’s Challenge.

Write today’s date and the learning objective, Can I write an alterative ending to The Iron Man?

Write the title           Chapter 5  ___________________


  1. Please update your self-isolation diary for today.



  1. As a warm-up, practise some doubling on Hit the Button, multiples of 10. Have a go at ‘up to 100’ and ‘up to 250’.  Make jottings to help.  If you want more of a challenge, have a go at ‘up to 500’.


Attached to the blog are some subtraction maths sheets. You don’t need to print the sheets you can write the questions and answers in your exercise book.  These build on the work you did yesterday and relate to subtraction of multiples of 100.

  1. Open the sheet ‘Multiple of 100 – multiple of 100 eg 900 - 600

Complete A, B, C OR D (A is the easiest, D is the hardest – choose your challenge!)

Time yourself and write down how long it took you to complete that section.

  1. Open the sheet ‘3d number – multiple of 100 eg 323 – 100

Complete A, B, C OR D (A is the easiest, D is the hardest – choose your challenge!)

Time yourself and write down how long it took to complete that section.

If you find them tricky and need more practise, come back to them later today and have another go. These are key skills in mental subtraction, so please practise them. Use a numberline to help counting back in hundreds. 

Ask someone at home to check your work.


As you know, this Sunday is the first Sunday of Advent. 

Please draw an Advent wreath in your book, including the candles, and colour it in with pencil crayons if you can.  Then, please explain what Advent means, where the word originates from, the meaning of the wreath (the green part) and each of the candles.  

Write the date and the learning objective, Can I describe the meaning of the Advent wreath?

Your RE work is always beautiful Year 4, and I look forward to seeing your Advent wreaths and descriptions.


Last week, we drew a Celtic knot in our art books.  Have another go at the same Celtic knot by clicking on the link below (it is the first link).

Then have a go at a Celtic knot of your own choice.  A couple of links are given below, but you may find one you especially like.




Files to Download

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402

E: bursar@longton-st-oswalds.lancs.sch.uk