At St Oswald's, due to the daily contact we have with children in our care, we have a special responsibility to keep our children safe. All adults in school are trained in our safeguarding procedures and are aware of what to do if they are concerned about a child. Click the link below to read our Safeguarding policy.
Safeguarding & Child Protection Policy September 2023
The Designated Safeguarding Lead, Mrs Bernadette Wood (Headteacher); the Deputy Safeguarding Lead member of staff is Mr Jonathan Campbell (Assistant Headteacher). The nominated Safeguarding Governor, Mrs Sue O'Neill have the responsibility under the procedures established by the L.E.A. for co-ordinating action within our school and for liaison with other agencies.
Click here to access the Children's Safeguarding Assurance Partnership website
Safeguarding Guidance & Information
Keeping Children Safe in Education September 2022
Parent resources
South Ribble Early Help Directory
Preventing further harm to children from domestic abuse
Private Fostering
Please find below in the form of a guide to private fostering and also a private fostering children's leaflet which we hope you will find useful.
Private Fostering Children's Leaflet
Online Safety at St Oswald's
At St Oswald's we use the ProjectEvolve Online Safety toolkit as our Online Safety Curriculum. The toolkit resources each of the 330 statements from UK Council for Internet Safety's (UKCIS) framework “Education for a Connected World” with perspectives; research; activities; outcomes; supporting resources and professional development materials.
Children will meet lessons on these strands, learning skills in online etiquette, identifying risk and what to do when they feel worried or upset when online.
Education for a Connected World
CEOP - Reporting Button
National Online Safety Training Hub
Here you will get access to all videos, training and guides. Click the link below and join free to our school online safety hub.
We have set up a watchlist which includes some videos and training we think parents and carers will find useful.
Parent Resources
There is now a whole host of free easily accessible resources out there for parents to help their children stay safe in the digital world. Try the following websites:
St Oswald's Online Safety Newsletter
Click to View
Digital Parenting Magazine
Digital Parenting Magazine is a free resource which offers advice and help for parents in an ever changing digital world. Click the link below to access the magazine and a range of Online Safety resources.