The St Oswald’s Curriculum provides stimulating learning experiences in and beyond the classroom to inspire the next generation of:
Mathematicians Politicians Geographers Artists Explorers Historians
Musicians Scientists Environmentalists Athletes Linguists
Writers Performers Designers Clergy Teachers Leaders
This policy reflects St. Oswald’s values and philosophy in relation to the school’s curriculum. It will be the means of providing every pupil with opportunities for enjoyment and achievement in all subjects. The curriculum will foster an excellent learning culture throughout the school.
Objectives ...‘A framework for setting out the aims of a programme of education, including the knowledge, skills and understanding to be gained at each stage (intent)
- To provide all pupils with equal access to a rich, broad and balanced curriculum, matched well to their ages, abilities, interests and aptitudes.
- To increase pupils’ knowledge, skills and understanding as they grow and develop and strengthen their connections with the world around them.
- To engage the children’s interest by offering exciting opportunities to extend creative thinking, challenge their imagination, value originality and to encourage and motivate them to want to learn.
- Wherever possible, to offer pupils lots of first-hand experience to reinforce their learning and to underpin their growing knowledge, skills and understanding of the world.
- To open their eyes to awe and wonder and cause them to marvel at the incredible and fantastic world in which they live.
- St Oswald’s will regularly evaluate the curriculum to ensure our children’s needs are being met.
Strategies …for translating that framework over time into a structure and narrative, within a context (implementation)…
- The Early Years Framework provides the starting point for the curriculum in Reception
- The National Curriculum will be taught to all pupils from Y1 onwards with clear skills progressions through each subject.
- Subject Leaders will oversee the implementation, monitoring and evaluation of their subject across the school, driving learning opportunities for all learners.
- Children will develop their knowledge and understanding through carefully planned and sequenced learning opportunities. Prior learning will provide the foundation for future learning and enable children to make links, consolidate and secure learning.
- The Agreed Syllabus ‘Come and See’ will be used as the basis for the planning and teaching of RE in every year group.
- ‘Journey in Love’ as recommended by the Diocese is followed for the R(S)HE curriculum.
- Opportunities will be taken to enrich the curriculum through: educational visits out of school; involvement of parents, visitors, artists, crafts people, actors, musicians etc; the use of the school grounds, the locality and the wider environment.
- Opportunities will be sought and created within the curriculum and the life of the school to encourage mutual respect and tolerance of those with different faiths and beliefs.
- An extensive range of high quality resources will be used to underpin and enhance the curriculum.
- Home Practice will be set where appropriate and will focus on practising key skills eg number bonds, tables, reading, spelling and research.
- Live, verbal feedback to the learners will be the main strategy to ensure that pupils know what they need to improve in their work.
Outcomes …for evaluating what knowledge and understanding pupils have gained against expectations (impact).
- Our Curriculum is reviewed on a regular basis.
- There will be time provided to reflect on the current provision, to evaluate current provision and then to amend as required.
- Children’s work and achievement within the curriculum will be celebrated and displayed to enable it to make a significant impact on the visual appearance of the school and to contribute positively to its ethos.
- The stimulating curriculum that we provide will help children to understand who they are and where they live.
- It will help them learn about their community, the nation and the world in which they live.
- It will deepen their cultural awareness and increase their understanding of history, time and place.
- They will develop a respect for and an understanding of different cultures and beliefs.
- They will learn about issues facing the world and the importance of caring for their environment.
The St Oswald’s curriculum provides opportunities for children to develop their knowledge, understanding and skills in all aspects of their education.
The Learning Times
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