

At St Oswald's, our music curriculum is delivered by a specialist teacher in line with national curriculum programmes of study. We aim for all pupils to experience and enjoy Music in discete lessons and as part of a rich curriculum. Music skills are developed through a practical approach and applied in performing and composing. Children are encouraged to develop their listening skills and the ability to appraise a variety of musical styles and forms. The Early Years Framework is the foundation for the development of Music skills and provides the building blocks for all future learning.


At St Oswald’s, we value music as a powerful and unique form of self-expression and communication. We are musicians! We aim to provide every child with high quality musical experiences which engage and inspire them. We provide opportunities for all children to create, play, perform and enjoy music and to appreciate a variety of music styles. We aim for every child to leave school with a range of musical skills, knowledge, and an understanding and love of music which they can carry with them for the rest of their lives.


At St Oswald's, our music curriculum is delivered by a specialist teacher in line with national curriculum programmes of study. We aim for all pupils to experience and enjoy music in discrete lessons and as part of a rich curriculum. Musical skills are developed through a practical approach and applied in performing and composing. Children are encouraged to develop their listening skills and the ability to appraise a variety of musical styles and forms.

By engaging children in making and responding to music, music teaching at St Oswald’s offers opportunities for them to:

· Develop their understanding and appreciation of a wide range of music.

· Acquire the knowledge, skills and understanding needed to compose, perform, listen and appraise.

· Develop enjoyment, imagination and creativity through music.

· Develop awareness, understanding and appreciation of the richness and diversity of music in world cultures, styles, times and historical periods.

· Develop opportunities for children to perform to the school and the wider community.

· Develop skills that can support learning in other areas. This includes listening skills, concentration, creativity and self-expression, intuition, perseverance, self-confidence and sensitivity towards others. It can also give children the opportunity to express feelings that cannot easily be put into words.

· Develop and extend their own interests.


At St Oswald's our children recieve a rich musical education with experience in all strands of learning. Our children gain the experience of playing and performing on a wide range of instruments with confidence and enthusiasm. They gain a rich knowledge of musical features and are well prepared for the Key Stage 3 music curriculum.




World Music Day 2021

Year 3 - Stone Age music.

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Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
