Gardening Club

We have a very enthusiastic gardening club at St Oswald's which was formed in October 2022. Currently it is made up of members of Year 4. We meet with Mrs Corbett every Wednesday

  • lunchtime.

Some of the activities we have taken part in so far include

  • Harvesting the sunflower seeds in the Autumn so that we can plant them the following Spring.
  • Planted onions and garlic in the big planters after filling them with soil- a big job!
  • Prepared the ground and planted a wildflower garden.
  • Tidied up the Remembrance Garden at church.
  • Removed litter from the nature area.
  • Written a letter to a local garden centre and received free seeds and compost.
  • Planted a variety of seeds including a seed carpet.


The new Year 4 gardening club was formed in April 2024. 

We have

  • Filled up the planters with soil.
  • Planted some bean plants and supported them with canes.
  • Learnt how to use a spade.
  • Thinned out seedlings.
  • Started a research project.







Click  here to see what we have been doing.

Year 4- Gardening Club- May 2024

Year 4- Gardening Club-Research Project

April 2024


Gardening Club- March

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
