HOME LEARNING Tuesday 26th January 2021

Date: 25th Jan 2021 @ 4:48pm

Year 4

Home Learning Tuesday 26th January 2021

Good morning Year 4.  I hope you managed to complete your Home Learning yesterday. Try not to worry if you don’t manage to finish everything in one day, sometimes things may take a bit longer.

It is important that you continue to work hard, both recapping and practising previous learning, as well as learning new things. Keep posting all your fabulous work on Seesaw, I’ve enjoyed seeing the little messages you have sent too – thank you, they really brighten my day.


Please read out loud to someone at home for 20 minutes.  Make sure you discuss what has happened in the chapter / story so far.

Summarise what you have read in no more than 100 spoken words.  Get someone to count the words as you speak.



These are your new spellings which will be tested on Thursday 28th January 2021.  They all have the prefix inter.  A PREFIX is a group of letters that change the meaning of a word when they are added to the START. Inter means ‘amongst’ or ‘during’.

interact         international          intercity      interlink

interview       intermediate         internet       interface

intercept       interchange           intercom      interfere    

Write the long date Tuesday 26th January 2021

Write each of the words in your book in different coloured shapes like you did yesterday. Can you remember which shape and colour you used for which word?


Last week we started our novel Kensuke’s Kingdom by Michael Morpurgo. 

Today, please read / listen to Chapter 2 of Kensuke’s Kingdom. A copy of the book is attached to the blog and a link to the audio is below. 


Whilst reading or listening to the story, look up any words if you are unsure about their meaning.  Write the word and the definition in your Home Learning book.

Open the document called ‘Character description instructions’.  This will give you the information you need to carry out today’s lesson.

Write the long date Tuesday 26th January 2021

Write the learning objective Can I write a character description of Michael?

  1. Read the document called ‘Character description instructions’ attached to the blog.
  2. Print page 2 and label the picture with a description of Michael’s character using information from Chapters 1 and 2. (Alternatively, draw a picture of Michael in the middle of your page).  Remember to use evidence from the text, his personality may be clearly stated or may be hinted at from what is written.
  3. Piece these ideas together and write a character description of Michael explaining what his personality is like and how you know this.  Remember to use different sentence openers! You should aim to write at least 2 excellent paragraphs about Michael’s character.

Focus on capital letters, punctuation, beautiful handwriting and using different sentence openers.

Please share your work on Seesaw


Times tables

Following on from last week’s learning, please practise your 11 and 12 times tables on Sumdog (a challenge has been set).

Please practise your own tables target using Hit the button. If you are on ‘free’ tables, please practise a times table or division fact which you know you find tricky.  If you are in school next week, you will be tested on your individual target on Thursday 28th January 2021 – if you are on ‘free’ tables, you will be tested on ÷9.




Count in 50’s from 900 to 2100 and back again.  Count in 50’s from 6550 to 7850 and back again.  Think about what you found tricky

Please count in 11’s from 111 to 232 and back again – can you go any further? (If you get stuck, add 10 then 1 onto your last number if counting up or subtract 10 then 1 if counting down). Write the numbers down as you say them - do you notice any patterns?

Eg 111 222   222 add 10 = 232 + 1 = 233     etc



Use the link below – to play Daily 10.


Click on play game. Choose level 3, addition, 3 digit numbers + ones.  Choose the time interval between each question eg 3 seconds, 5 seconds etc.  You will need to write the answers down and check them at the end.

Choose level 3, addition, 3 digit numbers + tens, choose a time interval and play again.


In order to keep practising our mental maths strategies, our lesson today will involve completing an Arithmetic test – you will be familiar with these from class.  Please make sure you have everything you need before your start:

  • A pencil and a ruler
  • Your Home Learning book OR a printed copy of the Arithmetic test (attached to the blog)
  • A 20 minute timer
  • The arithmetic answers (to check your answers afterwards! These are attached to the blog)

Please make sure you make jottings / show your working out – this is so important and the most confident mathematicians do this.  Try and complete the test independently and go through the answers carefully when you have finished. It doesn’t matter if you get an answer wrong, the most important thing is to work out why you made that mistake. If you’ve made jottings this may help in finding out where you made the error.

Before you start the test, please watch the video on Seesaw which will explain a few strategies. This will be uploaded on Tuesday morning.

Good luck!

Post your answers on Seesaw so I can see how you got on!


Check your answers from yesterday’s arrays lesson in the document ‘Answers Using arrays’ attached to the blog.


Please remember to log onto Sumdog to consolidate your learning about arrays.



We were doing really well with our French phonics so here’s a video to watch first to practise some sounds.


Now click this link and download lesson 14 with audio.


We will recap the shapes and colours that we learnt last week and move on to look at the work of a French artist called Matisse. Click on the sound buttons to hear the teacher say the phrases and repeat after her. A key phrase today is’ Il y a…’  there is …. And there are new words for different kinds of lines. Work through the PowerPoint. The instructions are underneath each slide.

In your book, write the date mardi vingt-six fevrier

Write the learning objective Can I research some facts about Henri Matisse?

Using these two websites, can you write some interesting facts about Henri Matisse and his work? You might like to copy a part of one of his works.

https://www.ducksters.com/biography/artists/henri_matisse.php  - good for facts

https://www.tate.org.uk/kids/explore/who-is/who-henri-matisse   - good for pictures.


Well done year 4. Soon we will be doing a piece of art inspired by Matisse and describing it in French!



Please click on the link below for Lesson 4



Sumdog challenges

You have been set 3 challenges on Sumdog:

  • A maths times table challenge (based on the 11 and 12 times tables)
  • A maths challenge based on ‘arrays’ and the 3, 4 and 8 times tables
  • A grammar challenge ‘capital letters’ (this is something which I am having to correct in writing every day, therefore I am setting it as a challenge this week)

Please make sure you log on and have a go!

New challenges will start on Monday 1st February 2021


Well done for finishing today’s work.  Have a lovely evening and stay safe.

Files to Download

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402

E: bursar@longton-st-oswalds.lancs.sch.uk