Home Learning Tuesday 9th February 2021

Date: 3rd Feb 2021 @ 10:32am

Year 5 Home Learning Tuesday 9th February 2021

Image result for cartoon children dancing

Good morning Year 5, you are all doing so well with your Home Learning. A big thank you to everyone who is helping you. Hopefully, you are in a good routine, staying positive and doing the best you can. How is the dance routine coming along? We have been learning it in school and enjoying the music and exercise. We have also played the card games from our English lesson. I think we might get the packs of cards out at wet play times in future. It is really good fun!


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information.

We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Use the book you are reading at the moment, or one you have just read. Copy any sentence from your book and answer these questions: What tense is it written in? (past/present/future) How do you know? Is it written in 1st or 3rd person or is no one referred to at all? Does it contain any speech? What is the sentence about? Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book with today’s date.


This week we are investigating words instead of said. Please learn these spellings for Monday’s test (22.02.21) which will be after half term, but if you would rather do it before then, that’s fine. If you don’t know what a word means, ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. To help you learn them, write them down each day in your exercise book with the date. You could focus on your handwriting at the same time.

laughed          questioned       suggested          quizzed          muttered

joked             queried            screamed           mumbled        whispered

chuckled         remarked        pleaded             grumbled        bragged


Read the instructions on Slide 1 of the PowerPoint – Instructions/Adverbs (documents below).

How do writers make the order of instructions clear, and make links between the steps? Answers - order of steps, numbers, bullets, arrows and time adverbs.

Recap adverbs for time using Slides 2 to 6 of the PowerPoint and think about other adverbs for cohesion.

Which adverbs may be most useful when reading and writing instructions? Answers - time/listing.

Read ‘Instructions for Boarding a Bus’ (documents below). New technology often brings about new rules or instructions to use.

Think about ways you could improve these instructions, adding adverbs, imperative verbs, numbers or bullet points.

Choose one of these worksheets (documents below):

HARD: ‘How to Use the Telephone’.

MEDIUM: ‘How to use an Escalator’.

EASY: ‘How to use an Escalator Safely’.

Using your worksheet, write clear, cohesive instructions.

Focus: Use the Instruction Features sheet from yesterday to help you (documents below).

The date and title are:

Tuesday 9th February 2021

Can I write instructions, including adverbs?

I have posted an example to help you on Seesaw.

Please post this on Seesaw for me to see.


For your mental starter play the game – Hit the Button. Select divisions up to 12, mixed.


Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Divide By 100. 

Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. 

The date and title are:


Can I divide by 100?


Problem Solving Extension (optional):


Solve mathematical problems or puzzles.

Add several small numbers mentally.

Explain methods and reasoning.

Joins – Answers:

Using four numbers:

the highest score is 19 + 15 + 17 + 18 = 69,

the lowest score is 6 + 5 + 2 + 17 = 30.

Using five numbers:

the highest is 20 + 18 + 13 + 17 + 18 = 86,

the lowest is 6 + 18 + 2 + 5 + 6 = 37.

Using five numbers and diagonal joins:

the highest is 19 + 17 + 14 + 15 + 18 = 83,

the lowest is 13 + 6 + 20 + 2 + 6 = 47.



Have a go at these PE activities. Follow the links to read the instruction cards and watch the video clips:

Games Skills – Climb the Ladder:



Health Related Exercises – Circuits 1-Feeling Flexible:




Use the link below to log into code.org.

Please work through the lessons in order.



Maths Challenges: Mixed Times Tables and Numbers and Place Value to 1 000 000.

Spelling Challenge: Maths/Science Vocabulary. These words are different from your spelling test words above, but still worth working on to expand your vocabulary.


Well done Year 5.

Miss Gravili

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Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402

E: bursar@longton-st-oswalds.lancs.sch.uk