Home Learning Wednesday 13th January 2021

Date: 6th Jan 2021 @ 11:48am

Year 5 Home Learning Wednesday 13th January 2021

Good morning Year 5, I hope you are all well. It was such a nice, sunny day yesterday. Hopefully you had a chance to go for a walk or spend some time outside enjoying the winter sun.

Keep up the good work with your Home Learning today. I’m really looking forward to see what you have been doing. Remember best handwriting, presentation and effort just like you would do in school.

We have sent out emails with links to join Seesaw. You may be familiar with it from the last time we were in lockdown. It is a chance for you to post your work for me to see and comment on, so join up as soon as possible.


Please read for at least twenty/thirty minutes every day. Talk about what you have read with an adult. Discuss the story, characters and any new vocabulary you come across. If it is a non-fiction book then look at the contents page, glossary or index and see how it helps you find information. We can issue books and change books as needed.

Reading Challenge: Write down 6 new words you have found in your reading book and use a dictionary to write the meaning of each word. Please do this in your Home Learning exercise book (collect from school) with today’s date.


This week we are investigating the suffix-ant. Please learn these spellings for Friday (15.01.21). If you don’t know what a word means ask an adult or look it up in a dictionary. Ask someone to test you on the words below in your exercise book with Friday’s date. Friday is spelling test day!

elephant        mutant         hydrant           hesitant           consultant

remnant        tenant         dominant         attendant          immigrant

pennant         tyrant          expectant         occupant          informant



Re-read the PowerPoint from yesterday on Expanded Noun Phrases, you will find it in the documents below.

Look at the PowerPoint with eleven pictures from Cloud Tea Monkeys. You will find this in the documents below.

Write a sentence (eleven sentences in total) for each picture with an expanded noun phrase.

For example:

Slide eight, the picture of Tashi looking at the tea leaves in the basket.

  1. Tashi stared in wonder at the glowing, emerald leaves that had appeared magically in her basket.

Please write these in your exercise book with the date and title:

Wednesday 13th January 2021

Can I write sentences with expanded noun phrases?


For your mental starter play hit the button – mixed times tables, see if you can get faster each time you play. Try playing hit the answer and hit the question. Which one are you better at and why?


Please follow the link below to the White Rose Maths webpage and watch the lesson – Use line graphs to solve problems. Print out the worksheet below and stick it into your exercise book or copy the answers into your book. The date and title are:


Can I use line graphs to solve problems?





Start by watching this song and counting along:

(35) French numbers 1-100 - YouTube

Now watch this video again to remind yourself how to conjugate a regular ER verb:

(35) French er verbs - YouTube


Then write the date (in French) and the title in your home learning book:


mercredi treize février

Can I conjugate regular ER verbs?


Pause the video at 6:08 and copy out the verb jouer – to play, setting it out in exactly the same way as the video. So Je joue (I play) should be on the same line as Nous jouons (we play). Verbs are always set out like this so that the plural form of the subject pronoun is next to the singular form. Please use a different colour for the endings, just like on the video.


Pause the video again at 7:50 and copy out the verb Aimer – to like. Notice the endings are the same. Try to set it out just like you did for jouer.

J’aime                             Nous aimons

Tu aimes                          Vous aimez   etc.


Do you know why J’aime is written like this and not Je aime? See if you can find out if you’re not sure.


Find a dice if you have one. If not, just write the numbers 1 – 6 on bits of paper and turn them face down. Practise saying the correct form of the verbs by rolling the dice:


1 = Je                             4 = nous

2 = Tu                             5 = vous

3 = Il/elle                       6 = Ils/elles


So, if you roll/pick up 4, you would say nous jouons and nous aimons.


NOTE: PRONUNCIATION OF PLURAL FORMS OF AIMER:  nous aimons is pronounce nou zaimon; vous aimez is pronounced vou zaimay, ils aiment = eel zaim; Elles aiment = ell zaim. There is what’s called a liaison between the final s of the pronoun and the verb because the verb starts with a vowel.


Don’t worry about the ‘on’ form of the verb as we haven’t talked much about that yet. It is an informal way of saying we…., but that’s just a step too far for now! Ignore it.

Merci beaucoup. A la semaine prochaine!





Write the date and title in your home learning book

Wednesday 13th January 2021

 Can I investigate thermal insulators and plot a graph of my results?

You will need some bubble wrap or fabric, some scissors, a ruler and a few ice cubes for this experiment.

This link will explain what to do:

Year 5a Lesson 2 thermal insulators.pptx - Microsoft PowerPoint Online (live.com)

Carry out the experiment and record your results. Then choose one of the graphs – bar chart or line graph and plot it from your results. After the graph, put a sub-heading:

What I found out:

Explain your results using the word bank to help you.

There is an example of ‘good work’ on slide 9 so please check that your work is similar and improve it if you can.

There are other ideas for further investigations at the end if you like! Well done!


Well done everyone. Remember to follow the link to Seesaw. I am looking forward to seeing your work.

Miss Gravili


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St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402

E: bursar@longton-st-oswalds.lancs.sch.uk