Reception 3rd March Home Learning

Date: 28th Feb 2021 @ 6:29pm

Wednesday 3rd March 2021


Here is the learning for today.

Remember to have a go at as much of the learning as you can.



Reading – See if you can read for 10 minutes today. I wonder how many words you will have read by the end of 10 minutes?

Reminders – Please contact the School Office if you would like to change your reading books.

Oxford Owl eBooks Class login - sto1 Password – 1234

  • Phonics – 

Our new sounds - 'ch, sh, th, ng, qu, ai, ee, oa, igh, long & short oo, ar, or, oi, ow, ur'

Today’s new sound is ‘er’ - watch Polly’s video to tell you all about the sound.

Please revisit any of the sounds which you might have find tricky !😊

Can I write all my digraph sounds without copying them?

Can I play 'Read and Race' ? (revisiting ai, ee, er, oa, oo)

Can I write the words and colour the ones with the sound ‘er’?

Can I read the sentence and write in the missing word?

See activities attached.

Reminder for phonics games go to - Phonics Play  – Login - Jan21 Password - home


  • Handwriting – Fine motor development

Watch these fine motor activities, see if you can choose one to have a go at, all these activities will help to help develop your child’s finger strength. 

This week we are practising writing our numbers from 0 – 9.

Watch these number rhymes to help you form them correctly. 



High Frequency words – knowing these words just by looking at them will help improve fluency in your reading –

‘it, is, in, am, an, of, on, up, so, and’

See if you can read these words without sounding them out?


Turn the lights off and watch this video - Imagine you are underneath the stars yourself. Look at all the different colours and patterns the stars make in the night sky. 

Whilst you are watching the video - Imagine if you had your own star.

What adventure would you plan for you both?

Can I write a list of everything I would do if I had a star? (See attached.)


Maths – 

  • Counting Practice – 

Can I count in 10s? – Using objects from around my house, can I group them into piles of 10? How many piles of 10 do I have? Can I count them in 10s?

Can you use the splat square to spot the pattern of counting in 10? Can you count to 100 in 10s? 

  • Consolidation – In Reception we need to revisit and rehearse all number facts to secure understanding.

Can I revisit the number 12? (See attached.)

Can I write the teen numbers and carefully count the amounts in the ten frames to match to numerals? (See attached.)


  • Spring Term 1 Consolidation

Watch the White Rose Maths Ten Frame Fill Game Video. 

Can I complete the activity attached?  


Topic Time

Science – You are going to make a mouse and a pretend rocket and see how far you can make your mouse fly.

Watch this video to see how to do it.

For the ‘mouse’, cut out a semi-circle of paper and bend it round to make a cone shape and secure with sellotape.


How far can you make him fly?

Does it go further if you have a bigger bottle?

Can you measure how far it flies using building bricks or toy cars or other items?

What is the science? (Adult explanation)

The bottle used as the rocket launcher is not really empty: there is air inside it. Air is elastic (squashy), and when you compress it, it pushes back and the pressure inside increases. In the activity, the sudden increase in air pressure inside the bottle pushes hard on the bottom of the rocket, sending it flying high into the air. There are also two other forces acting on the rocket: air resistance and gravity. Air resistance always pushes in the opposite direction to the rocket’s movement, and its strength depends on the rocket’s shape and its speed. Gravity always pulls downwards, slowing the rocket’s climb but speeding up its descent.

Reception Story Time

‘Whatever Next’ by Jill Murphy



Well done Reception, you have nearly got to the end of home learning 😊


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Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
