Reception Blog - Friday 10th March 2023

Date: 10th Mar 2023 @ 12:55pm

On Monday we came into school with clues about our story, after some investigations we discovered that it was for the story Jack and the Beanstalk. Again, we have been using pictures to retell the story which we are half way through and we have talked about speech bubbles and what they are for, writing our own for the characters from thestory.

In Science, we talked about seeds and plants - what are they, where do they come from, what do we need to do to help a seed grow? The children gathered seeds from fruits and chose some to plant. They also decided where to put them to see what difference it makes if they are in a cold/warm place, light/dark, soil/no soil. We'll wait patiently to see if they grow! We have also built our own minibeast hotel together. We searched for minibeasts and where they live and what they like to live near and made our own. Next week will will go on a minibeast hunt and put some in ours.

In Maths we have been looking at addition. We have done lots of talking about what addition means and what happens. The children know to get the amounts, push them together and count how many there are.

In French this week, we read the story of La Petite Poule Rousse (Little Red Hen) to bring together our learning of animal words. The children joined in with the repetitive parts and some were able to give the words for the animals without prompting - super remembering!

In Come and See we have started our topic of growing, which fits perfectly with our topic at the moment. Together we have looked at Spring and what we can see in spring, we have also been painting and drawing pictures of daffodils. We have also been to look in Year 1 at their chick eggs, we talked about how to care for chick eggs, then on Friday once they had hatched we got to see the chicks. Over the next week we will see how they change as they grow.

In Art, we have continued with the story of the Hungry Caterpillar, this week looking at the butterfly and its colours. we have made our own collage butterflies.

We also had a lesson aboout the Japanese festival of Tanabata, which is all about dreams and wishes. Together we made our own dreams and wishes and put them on a bamboo tree.

On Friday, it was time to say goodbye to our Japanese student who has been with us the past two weeks. In the hall during Golden assembly we all performed 'The Swallow' dance which we have been learning with them. 

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St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
