Year 1 Friday Blog 8th October 2021
Date: 7th Oct 2021 @ 10:01am
Welcome to the Year 1 Friday blog!
In English this week, we have finished Dogger and linked the story to our PSHE lessons. We have explored how the characters (especially Bella) have been kind and why they chose to be kind. We loved writing a special thank you note to Bella from Dave thanking her for getting Dogger back. The class have produced some super sentences!
In Phonics, we have been making comparisons between phase 3 and phase 5 sounds, in particular ai and ay. We are now more able to question which sound to use in our writing.
In Maths, we have been making the numbers 11-20 using tens frames, straws and cubes. We have learnt to make a group of ten and then count on to our specified number. We have used our mathematical reasoning to solve problems and make number sentences.
In Science, we have been comparing different animals and spotting their similarities and differences. In P.E. we have been developing our running and bouncing skills in the hall and worked together as a team to pass the ball to each other.
We have done some French with Mrs Quilliam and Music with Mrs Winter.
In R.E. we have started our new topic of Belonging. We have talked about the groups that we belong to and how we can work together as a team!
Thank you for all your Harvest donations, we have filled two boxes in our class! All our collective worships this week have been about Harvest. We had a lovely Harvest Celebration in golden assembly.
Lost items
We seem to have children losing their jumpers and cardigans each day. Please can you make sure each piece of clothing is named.
Look on the class gallery to see our golden stars for this week.
For your Home Practice,
Please read for at least 10 minutes every day. It really does make all the difference. We change the books on a Friday, please sign the diary.
There are also tricky words on green card which your child needs to be able to read on sight. Play games with these words, match them, find them when you are out and about.
Sumdog challenges this week...
Phonics-ay and ai
Maths- 1 more, 1 less
Please do lots of counting in 1s.Start at different numbers, count forwards and backwards. When you stop at a number what number is 1 more? 1 less?How do you know?
Have a go at counting in 10s. Start at 20 and stop at 80, start at 50 and count back in 10s to 30 and so on. Write the numbers on pieces of paper, order then then remove one. What number has been removed? How do you know?
Have a lovely weekend!