Year 1 Blog 4th February 2022
Date: 3rd Feb 2022 @ 10:05am
Welcome to your Friday blog!
In English, we have read the story of The Princess and the Pea. We listened very carefully to the story and talked about the new vocabulary, such as 'sensitive'. We had a lot of fun highlighting our phase 3 and phase 5 sounds in the story, drawing pictures of the story and writing adjectives to describe the Princess. We even created a poster to persuade people to eat peas. Miss Fisher found this tricky as she doesn't like peas!
In Phonics, we have continued our phase 5 learning. Mrs Corbett's group have compared oo as in zoo and ew in blew and Miss Fisher's group have recapped ph, wh and ew.
We have been singing these songs to help with our learning. Click here
This week we have continued to learn about money. We have been drawing the coins to make amounts and then taken our learning a step further by adding two amounts. For example - how can you make 15p? You could use a 10p coin and a 5p coin and add them together. Is there a different way to pay? Encourage your child to play with coins that you have at home, count them, sort them by colour or size. We also talked about paying for things when you don't actually see the money,paying by tapping a card or online shopping.
Play these games to help with your learning.
This week in French we learnt the names of some fruits by playing games. We enjoyed doing the conga to the song J'aime les fruits! You can find the song on YouTube by Alain le Lait if you'd like to hear it!
We played the glocks again, we are getting really good!
We planned and carried out a scientific enquiry. We tested which material would be the best to make a mat to protect Mrs Corbett's car seats when her dog has been swimming. We found out that plastic is the most waterproof.
Following on from our Giuseppe Arcimboldo lesson last week, we have been printing with fruit and vegetables this week. We found that the harder fruit and vegetables created the better print. We love getting messy in year 1, even if it is by accident!
We have nearly finished our gymnastics lessons in P.E. This week, we were given the freedom to make up our own sequences without any guidance or instruction. Miss Fisher put the mats and benches out to see what we could come up with. It has been great to see everyone grow in confidence and push themselves to attempt a trickier jump or roll.
In R.E. we learnt about the Presentation of Jesus at the Temple. We quickly noticed that there are a lot of special people mentioned in the Gospels, but we focused on Jesus being the main special person in this story. We answered some tricky questions about the story and drew our own candles to represent Candlemas.
In Geography, we learnt about human and physical features within the UK. We sorted pictures into the two categories and worked together as a team.
We have been learning about medicines. We also drew pictures of who helps us to stay healthy.
Chinese New Year
We learnt about Chinese New Year. We learnt about some of the customs, made a dragon and tasted some Chinese food.
Don't forget to dress to impress next Thursday!
Home Practice
Read for at least 10 minutes every night. This is so important. please sign the diary so we can change the books. Keep practicing reading the Tricky Words on sight. Please just write a note in the diary if you need the next set.
We have also been doing lots of counting. We have mainly been focusing on counting in 5s up to 100.Please practise this at home. If you want a challenge, start from a different number that is not in the 5x table.We use a number square in class to help us with this, feel free to search '100 square' in Google to find one online.
Sumdog challenges
Phonics - Tricky words
Maths - Recognising coins