Year 1 Blog - Friday 10th January 2025
Date: 10th Jan 2025 @ 4:04pm
Welcome to your Friday blog!
Home Practice
Sumdog challenges
Maths - Capacity and Place Value
Phonics - Tricky words
Phonics 2 - Sounds learnt this week
Counting - Count forwards and backwards to the biggest number you can!
Reading - Please try to read each night, it makes a big difference!
Please remember to bring book bags in each day.
We read the beginning of the story 'Dragon Post' which is all about a little boy who writes letters to his friends asking for their advice about his dragon.
We wrote a character description of the dragon and wrote about what we would do if we had our own dragon.
Some of us have been comparing the oi and oy sounds and the oo and ue sounds.
Some of us have been learning that the 'a' can make both an o sound and an ai sound. Also, that the 'e' can make an ee sound.
This week in our learning we looked at capacity and volume. We focused on the labels of full, half full and empty.
Then, we started our money unit. We identified different coins and made each value using 1p coins.
We read about the Presentation of Jesus in the Temple when He was a baby. We identified Simeon, Anna, Mary and Joseph in the story and then wrote a speech bubble recognising what Simeon and Anna said when they saw Jesus.
We identified different materials and went on a material hunt around the classroom.
We started our gymnastic unit. We focused on straight shapes and caterpillar travelling.