Year 1 Blog - Friday 13th October 2023
Date: 10th Oct 2023 @ 5:43pm
Welcome to your Friday blog.
We have been learning through the stories of Percy The Park Keeper. We built new houses for the animals out of Lego and described them. We wrote about how Percy helps the animals in his park. There are many stories about Percy and we had a good look at all of them. We also wrote descriptions about what kind of person Percy is.
We have all been revising all our Phase 3 sounds.
Some of us have been learning about words that have separate sounds, such as plants and frost.
Some of us have been learning about ph as in elephant and ew as in screw.
We have been using part whole models to solve addition and subtraction number sentences. We used our maths manipulatives (such as cubes and counters) in the part whole models and then wrote the corresponding number next to them.
We also started to learn about fact families and how the same three numbers can be swapped around to form another number sentence.
As it was raining, we went inside and learnt how to play benchball. Everyone used their listening ears brilliantly and joined in with the throwing and catching.
We started our new RE topic about belonging. We wrote sentences about what it means to belong to a group and then drew pictures of how Jesus helped others to belong by showing them love.
We focused on the spiral shape within shells this week. We sketched a picture of a shell from the board and then used a real shell to see the difference. It was great to see such amazing focusing!
We made our own sunflower digital art using on dots. We used the paintbrush tool for the dots instead of simply using the fill tool.
We learnt about ordnance survey symbols and how they are important on maps. We found out that maps need pictures because words would take up too much space! We drew our own maps on big sheets and stuck on some symbols with glue.
We conducted our own investigation to answer the question: do people with bigger feet have bigger hands? We found out that sometimes they do, but not all of the time, as one of us had the biggest feet and someone else had the biggest hands.
Forest School
In our first session we practised tying a simple overhand knot. We used strawberry laces. We tied them to a paper straw and then ate the lace!
In the nature area we found interesting natural objects and tied these to a stick using the knot we had practised. Our own Autumn mobile was created!
Great perseverance was shown.
For our second session we made our own choices. On one day we went into the nature area and explored, made dens, found mini beasts and played games. On the other day we went around the log circle for our child- initiated learning.
Parents' Evening
It was lovely to speak to you if you had an appointment on Thursday this week
We are looking forward to our appointments next Tuesday.
Home Practice (Sumdog)
Phonics - ow words OR wh words OR th words
Maths - subtraction
Counting - Practise counting in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s, forwards and backwards from different numbers,