Year 1 Blog - Friday 16th June 2023
Date: 14th Jun 2023 @ 5:46pm
Welcome to your Friday blog. We are loving the sunny weather.
This week we listened to another story about Katie Morag. She loves it when her cousins visit but they cause a bit of trouble! We compared pictures of the houses on the island, before and after the cousins had visited. We planned our own story and wrote our own books. We read these to the children in Reception.
This week we have completed the phonic screen assessment.
We have been learning about the place value of numbers. We have been working out the missing numbers on a number line and explaining how we know. We have also been looking at the value of the 2 and the 4 in 24,the 3 and the 7 in 37 and so on.
Keep practising your counting. Can you count forwards in 2s from 23 to 47 ? Can you count backwards in 10s from 77 to 27?
We have been learning about the seasons and how they change. We talked about how we are into the summer months and related this to our learning from last week, we can see lots of green leaves on the deciduous trees. We then chose our favourite and least favourite season, drew a picture of a deciduous tree from that season and wrote a sentence explaining why we chose it as our favourite/least favourite.
We made our next whole class handprint tree for the season on spring. We had lots of light green and pink colours to represent the blossoms. We will make a summer version before we finish!
We also made Miss Forshaw a thank you card using our fingerprint and picture so that she will always remember us!
This week, we thought about the material that we would like to use for our clothes for Patch the teddy. We evaluated the strengths and weaknesses of different types of materials and chose the most suitable one.
We then had another running stitch practise.
We helped Scrat with some trickier code! We learnt to use loops to simplify our code and make it easier to read.
We have been learning about hazards and emergencies. We talked about what a hazard is and spotted any potential hazards in the classroom. We made sure that we quickly fixed them!
We then talked about how to deal with an emergency and how to ring 999 when needed.
On Monday morning we had our second yoga session with Katie. We loved it - especially the banana song! Great fun and we learned a lot.
We then practised some more of our fundamental skills in PE. We jumped for distance, balanced bean bags and practised underarm throwing in a game of beanbag noughts and crosses.
We learnt some words for summer things and then made sentences using the new words. Next, we listened out for the new vocabulary in a summer song. We practised the words with a game and listened to a new story, Le Petit Poisson, about a fish who had no one to play with.
Forest School and Outdoor Learning
In our Forest School session we did some hapa-zome printing which means ‘leaf dye’.Hapa-zome is the Japanese technique of smashing flowers and leaves into fabric. We found that fresh, juicy plants leave the best imprint.
Hapa-zome printing is one of the easiest and quickest natural dyeing techniques. We collected leaves and flowers then we used hammers safely to smash them through calico fabric.
It was like magic when the colours came through!
In our other session we assembled polystyrene birds which became gliders. We investigated putting the weight in different places on the beak to see how this affected the flight.
We also explored and played on a brand new delivery of logs, kindly supplied by a parent. If you have access to any free materials or resources which you think would be useful for our sessions please get in touch via the school office.
Thank you to everyone who has completed the questionnaire. It came home on Thursday 8th June and it's on a green sheet. Please fill it in and send it into school if you haven't already done so. They will help us to evaluate our offering and help us to plan for next year.
Dance From the Heart
We had a super time on Thursday performing the dance. Thank you to everyone who came to watch.
Miss Forshaw
On Friday, we said goodbye to Miss Forshaw, our teaching student who has been working with us for the last 7 weeks. We have loved all her lessons and we know she's enjoyed being at St Oswald's.
Home Practice
Phonics - ear (air sound) OR common exception words
Maths - Representing numbers