Year 1 Blog- Friday 23rd September
Date: 22nd Sep 2022 @ 9:56am
Welcome to your Friday blog!
Thank you to everyone who came to our Meet the Teacher meeting. Please find the PowerPoint attached at the bottom of this blog.
This week our story was all about the Large family trying to be a bit more healthy. We had discussions about healthy food and exercise. We wrote our own recipe for a cake and did some lovely independent writing about how the family tried to get fit. We tried really hard to write on the lines and put finger spaces inbetween our words.
We have been revising our Phase 3 sounds, sh,ch,th,ee,or. Next week we are starting our Red Rose Phonics sessions.
This week we have been comparing amounts and using our Maths vocabulary of equal, fewer and more. We have been using the practical equipment again to make numbers up to 29 with 10s and 1s. We have also been looking at one more and less then counting in 1s forwards and backwards from different starting numbers.
Play Place Value basketball. Click here. Choose numbers up to 29.
We talked our senses and how they help us to make sense of the world around us. We also learnt about which part of our body is associated with each sense.
We went outside on a senses walk then recorded what we had found by drawing and writing.
We have been learning about the wonderful world that God created and how we can do our part to look after it. We learnt that we could recycle, plants trees or even just put our rubbish in the bin when we've finished!
This week, we focused on our bouncing and catching skills. We loved seeing which team could pass to each other the fastest!
We learnt about the word 'unique' in PSHE and how every single one of us is different in our own way. We played a game to see what we like and dislike and then sorted pictures into 'I like' and 'I don't like'.
We continued to practise using the sketching pencils. We focused on pattern making and copying patterns. It look a lot of resilience and patience!
We have been looking at the different parts of our school and grounds. We remembered our learning from a couple of weeks ago when we talked about human and physical features. We took photos and used these to make a plan of our school and grounds.
Outdoor Learning
This week we have had some fantastic sessions. We have been building dens, finding slugs, snails, worms, beetles, caterpillars and even a frog!
Our teamwork and communication was amazing!
Thanks if you have sent in a pair of named wellies for your child.
We practised asking and answering questions in French then played some games to practise numbers and colours. We learnt a French nursery rhyme and joined in with the actions.
We did some singing and then we got out the Boomwhackers to play "You Are My Sunshine ".
We couldn't finish the week without imagining we were in the Large family. We had a lovely time sharing a story and of course...........a piece of cake!
We remembered The Queen and her family in our prayers this week.
Sumdog challenges
Phonics - phase 3 ee and or
Maths - one more and one less
Continue to count on and back from 0 to 20. Start at different numbers, for example 4, 5, 6, 7. Then 11, 12, 13, 14.
Please practise number formation too. We are working hard to make sure all of of our numbers to 20 are correct!