Year 1 Blog - Friday 24th November 2023

Date: 23rd Nov 2023 @ 12:16pm

Friends / Friendship - Kids Drawing /illustration Stock Vector -  Illustration of brother, friendship: 54955534

Welcome to your Friday blog.


The Man on the Moon | BookWormMum


We continued to write our own story about Bob, the astronaut. We used our story plan to write a book. Every author needs an audience so we read our books to the children in Reception and Year 3. They gave us some great feedback which we can put into practise to improve our writing even more. We really tried hard with our handwriting and to write in complete sentences.

Please practise writing your tricky words correctly.


Some of us were learning oy as in toy and oi as in coin, igh as in night and ie as in tie, ou as in sound and ow as in cow.

Some of us have been learning g in giant, u in human and some more high frequency words such as mouse, many and because.

Sing the oi song.

Sing the oy song.


Year 2 Make Equal Groups Grouping Game | Classroom Secrets Kids


This week we have been counting groups of objects in 2s and 5s. Practise counting in 2s and 5s forwards and backwards from different starting points.

Count in 2s song.

We have also been learning about repeating patterns and making our own.

We have revised some of our previous learning about 2D and 3D shapes. We named the shapes and recalled their properties.

Play Level 1 of the shape reveal game.


Hand Drawn Love Hd Transparent, God Loves Your Hand Drawn Illustrations, Jesus  Clipart, Embrace, Illustrations PNG Image For Free Download


We have had our RSHE week. We talked about how our families and God love us and what they do to show their love. We wrote thank you sentences to the special people in our lives.


Animal Classification – LEARNEX


We learnt all about the different diets that animals can have. We recapped the words carnivore, herbivore and omnivore from reception, then sorted different animals into each group.


Pop Up Stock Illustrations – 22,239 Pop Up Stock Illustrations, Vectors &  Clipart - Dreamstime


We started our Autumn term DT topic of mechanisms - how parts move and work together. We explored different books to see how they move. We read pop-up books, books with sliders and books with levers.


Robot Dance PNG Transparent Images Free Download | Vector Files | Pngtree


All of year one were absolutely amazing in PE this week. Each group created half of their robot dance, which had to include robot movements that we could all do at the same time. We had some great ideas!


Pc Keyboard Clip Art at - vector clip art online, royalty free &  public domain


We continued practising our typing skills, both on laptops and iPads. We wrote simple sentences that had to include a finger space, this was so we could practise using the spacebar key on the keyboard.


Premium Vector | Babies and their toys clipart set


After playing with our present-day toys last week, this week we talked about the toys that we had as a baby. We identified our favourite toy and stated whether this had changed since then, or remained the same. We also learnt that our baby toys are usually made of safer materials, such as wood, compared to our present-day toys which tend to be made of plastic.

If your child was in the history lesson this week, they will have come home with a sheet to fill out with your help. This is all about your favourite toy when you were little. We will be exploring toys from before they were born next week.


Handprint clipart images and royalty-free illustrations |  School Edition


We started to produce our final printing piece of work. We printed our handprints onto cardboard ready to be decorated next week. We learnt about the difference between background and foreground of a picture and how they need to compliment each other.


Campfire Bread on a Stick Recipe - Vegan on Board


Forest School

This week we cooked bread on a stick. We remembered our rules about how to keep safe around the fire. Mrs Corbett had already made the dough out of flour, sugar and water. We had to find a suitable stick that was long enough and strong enough to hold the dough. We rolled our ball of dough into a long sausage shape and wrapped it securly around our stick. We cooked the bread in the embers of the fire. We noticed it changed colour as it was cooking. We had to be patient.When it was cooked we put jam, chocolate spread or butter on it. It was delicious!

All of us had a go at the cooking and some of us had an extra session. We chose our own learning in the nature area.


Thank you to everyone who has already donated items for our Christmas hamper. Our class colour is orange so if you can, please donate any items that are orange (chocolate orange, orange shower gel etc). Thank you!


Home Practice (Sumdog)

Phonics - igh words OR oy words OR g (j sound) words

Maths - counting in fives

Counting - Practise counting in 1s, 2s, 5s and 10s, forwards and backwards from different numbers. For example, start at 20 and count in 5s to 50: 20, 25, 30...


Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
