Year 1 Blog-Friday 25th March 2022
Date: 24th Mar 2022 @ 9:58am
Welcome to your Friday blog! We are loving the sunny weather.
This week we met Scaredy Squirrel. He is scared of everything! We really enjoyed looking at the style of the books- they are really funny. We wrote about Scaredy Squirrel and we are making our own book about the birthday party. We are trying really hard to write in sentences and spell some more words correctly.
In Phonics we have been looking at ow as in snow and ow as in cow.
Play Alien Escape. Click here.
In Maths we have been learning about doubling. We have been using practical equipment to find doubles . We have also used our knowledge of the pattern of 2s to check our answers.
Play Archery Doubles. Click Here.
Our French beans are starting to germinate. We looked at what is happening to them and described the changes. We gave them a bit of water too.
This week we have learnt about how Holy Communion and the Last Supper relate to each other. We learnt that the bread is called a host and the wine is in a chalice.
The class have been asking every week if we could play football in P.E. so this week, we did! We practiced dribbling with a ball and then passing to a partner. We are going to carry on with football for one more week to end the term.
We carefully wrote our instructions for our smoothie and then on Friday, we made them! It was great to see how independent the class have become. Everyone chopped their own fruit and put them in the blender. Some of us liked our smoothies, some of us didn't!
We loved being able to do art again this week. We sketched real roses and learnt to take our time, focus on the flower and sketch carefully. We then transferred these skills onto our Mother's Day card. We hope all of the mums love the finished product.
In French we learnt about the French Easter tradition of the bells flying to Rome to be blessed by the Pope before returning, bringing chocolate eggs to the French children. Then we made an Easter card with a message - Joyeuses Paques - Happy Easter!
Outdoor Learning
Scaredy Squirrel lives in his nut tree. He feels very safe there. Next week we are going to go outside to build him a shelter just in case he ever ventures down to ground level! Your child may bring in a toy squirrel next week if they have one.
Don't forget to get a costume ready for World Book Day next Friday.
Thank you to everyone who supported the pop-up shop. Enjoy your day!
Home Practice
Read for at least 10 minutes every night. This is so important. Please sign the diary so we can change the books. Keep practicing reading the Tricky Words on sight. Please just write a note in the diary if you need the next set.
We have been looking at our friends of 10. Ask your child for the ways to make 10 by adding 2 numbers, 0+10,1+9 and so on. Quick recall of these will really help your child. Keep practising counting in 1s,2s,5s and 10s. Say a sequence of numbers to your child and miss out a number. Can they tell you which number in the pattern you have missed out? How do they know?
Sumdog challenges
Phonics - oa and ow words
Maths - one step problems