Year 1 Blog - Friday 26th May
Date: 24th May 2023 @ 5:34pm
Welcome to your final Friday blog of this half term. We have really enjoyed the lovely weather this week. We also enjoyed having our class photo taken - we showed great listening.
We continued our learning through the story of The Enormous Crocodile. We discussed the story and expressed our opinions about the story. We wrote a book review, taking care with our spelling, handwriting, full stops and capital letters.
We made a card to say thank you to all the staff at Martin Mere for our fabulous trip last week. We wrote some lovely messages and produced some beautiful pictures.
We planned and wrote our own version of The Enormous Crocodile using some of our own very imaginative ideas.
Some of us learned ere as in hemisphere. Some of us continued to learn about split digraphs, such as a-e in cake.
Split a-e song Split e-e song More phonics songs
This week Miss Forshaw taught us our last lesson learning about positional language. Then we started some new learning about telling the time, starting with o'clock . Practise telling the time with your child.
We also practised counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Ask your child questions such as, what's 5 more/less than 45?, 10 more/less than 40?, 2 more/less than 48? to see if they can apply what they have been learning. If your child seems confident ask 10 more/less than 47?and so on. Keep to numbers less than 100.
We practised our throwing, hopping, running and rolling of a ball.
We had a fun lesson learning about how the Disciples felt when Jesus ascended and the Holy Spirit came to them. We decorated paper plates with different emotions,
We learnt about the different parts of a leaf and went on a hunt to find our own in the nature area. Then, we sketched our favourite leaf and identified the different parts that we could see.
We talked about people that we trust and how certain people have special jobs. This could mean that we are supposed to trust them more than others (for example a policeman). Then we identified the people that we trust in our lives, such as our parents and teachers.
We continued helping Scrat get to his acorn on the website. We learnt about 'debugging' and how to fix our mistakes when coding.
We painted our final seaside picture in our sketchbooks. We copied pictures from the iPad and really took our time!
We we continued to try and memorise clothes vocabulary with a song, story and games.
Forest School and Outdoor Learning
This week some groups made pancakes. Some groups used a new method of cooking, a Dutch Oven, to make soup. Some of us tried to use a flint and steel to start a fire. This was 1 to 1 with Mrs Corbett. The children found out it was more difficult than it looked! Some children succeeded in starting a fire but all the children who tried showed great determination and perseverance. They will keep on trying hard!
Home Practice
Phonics - split a_e OR suffixes
Maths - time
Please wash your child's P.E. kit over half term and return it to school on the first day back.
Keep reading every day - we are seeing how much of a difference it makes.
Have a great week off and we will see you all on Monday 5th June.