Year 1 Blog- Friday 28th June 2024

Date: 27th Jun 2024 @ 4:49pm

Sun Behind Rain Cloud Clip Art - Owl Theme Classroom

Welcome to your Friday blog.


Home Practice

Phonics - ow and ou words OR  high frequency words OR ch words (revision)

Maths - Addition questions

Counting - Count in 2s, 5s and 10s, forwards and backwards, from different starting numbers.

Reading - Please try to read each night, it makes a big difference!



This week we started learning about a cat called Hamish who lives with Mr and Mrs Grinling. Hamish is a lighthouse cat and he gets up to many adventures. We wrote about where Hamish went when he ran away from home. We also made a poster to alert everyone that Hamish was missing.

Some of us pretended to be Hamish and wrote a diary entry from his point of view. We also wrote a set of instructions identifying how to look after a cat as Hamish believed that he was not being looked after properly!


Some of us have been revising ou as in sound, ow as in owl and learning ough as in drought.

Some of us have been learning the different s spellings: ss in pass, se in mouse, ce in dance and sc in science.


We have been learning about place value. We used the Base 10 equipment to make the numbers. We found 10 more and 10 fewer.

We then started to solve some addition and subraction number problems. We used part-whole models to help us solve the problems.


We continued to learn about being a good neighbour. We listened to different stories from the Bible surrounding Jesus performing miracles. We described how He was being a good friend and neighbour to all, no matter what they looked like.


We continued to learn about seasonal change and this week we focused on Autumn. Some of us made some amazing seasonal art using either chalk or paint.

Forest School

We got the blankets out and spent some time looking up at the leaves and the sky. We also listened to all the different sounds we could hear.

Super Learning Day

We all had a great day and took part in 7 exciting learning sessions from natural art to festival dancing and bowling.

Dance From The Heart

What a performance on Wednesday morning! A super effort by everyone.

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
