Year 1 Blog - Friday 30th September
Date: 29th Sep 2022 @ 10:07am
Welcome to your Friday blog! We have had a great week of learning with many children on triple gold!
We read the first part of the story, up to where Dave realises that Dogger is lost! We talked about what might happen next in the story. We did some great independent writing and we made some posters.
We have been learning ea as in meat, ay as in tray and ou as in shout.
Click here for a phonics song.
We have been measuring objects using non standard measures such as cubes and paper clips. We have been comparing objects. We have also being using balances to measure weight. We have used the vocabulary heavier, lighter and equal.
We have been counting in 1s forwards and backwards when looking at a 100 square. We know to look at the next line when we get to 10, 20 30 and so on. We start and finish on different numbers
We wrote a thank you prayer to God for making our wonderful world and families. Then, we compared our family to Jesus'. We made a zig-zag book to show all of our learning.
This week, we continued to develop our throwing and catching skills within a team. So many of us were put on gold for listening carfeully and working together!
We recapped the word 'unique' and talked about how it is okay to be different to our friends. We wrote facts about ourselves and shared them with each other.
We continued to practise typing on the laptops this week. We typed our names and drew a picture of ourselves on the app. We are now becoming more familiar with the keyboard and trackpad!
Outdoor Learning
This week it's all been about mud-we are awaiting a delivery of all in one suits so thanks for bearing with us!
We did some mud cooking-we added lots of natural ingredients. We made mud paint and painted the nature area! Great imagination, discussion and teamwork.
On Friday afternoon we went into out lodge and practised tying simple knots. We then found a stick in our nature area and decorated it-some of the sticks had magical powers!
Languages Day
Thank you to Mrs Nowak who came in to share a story in Polish with us.
Sumdog challenges
Phonics - igh (phase 3) and ie (phase 5)
Maths - measurement questions
Continue to count on and back from 0 to 20. Start at different numbers, for example 4, 5, 6, 7. Then 11, 12, 13, 14.
If you have any weighing scales, please have a go at weighing different objects around your house. Use the language used in our maths lessons of heavier, lighter and equal.