Year 1 Blog - Friday 7th February 2025

Date: 7th Feb 2025 @ 3:29pm

Welcome to your Friday blog!


Home Practice

Sumdog challenges

Maths - Hours, minutes and seconds

Phonics - Sounds learnt this week.


Counting - Count in twos from 0 to 20.

Reading - Please try to read each night, it makes a big difference!

Please remember to bring book bags in each day.



We have been exploring different dragon poems this week. We used similes to describe a dragon, wrote our own dragon poems and then read them to years 3 and 5.


Some of us have comparing the aw and au sounds.

Some of us have had one final recap week comparing the different 'ee' spellings. We've been spotting them in our books and reading longer passages of text with them in.


We have been continuing to learn about measuring time. We used the iPads again to count in seconds.

We have also been doing a lot of arithmetic practise!


We read about Jesus performing one of his miracles by helping His disciples catch fish. We decorated our own fish for the RE display.

Then we read about Jesus teaching little children. We made our own banners to welcome Jesus, writing the word 'hello' in different languages.


We found the oceans and seas that surround the UK in the atlases. We sang the oceans song to help us remember their names. 


We conducted an experiment to see whether objects were waterproof or not waterproof. We had lots of fun using pipettes to squirt water onto different materials!


We made our medals! It was great to see so many different ideas and designs, showing each child's individual personalities.

See our pictures here.

Forest School

We were in our nature area this week. There was a lot of mud inspired learning! Great imagination and teamwork was shown.


Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
