Year 1 Blog-Friday 9th December
Date: 9th Dec 2022 @ 7:40am
Welcome to your Friday blog. We hope you enjoyed our Nativity. All the children did so well. You can watch it again on St Oswald's TV.
This week we have been learning through a story about a little boy who lives in a hut on top of the Roly Poly Mountain which is far, far away. Father Christmas has forgotten to deliver Harvey's present so he goes on a treacherous journey involving planes, scooters, jeeps and other modes of transport! We planned our own story and we are going to be finishing it next week. We have been been very careful with our writing.
We have been learning about one half of a shape and that they are equal parts of a whole.
We have also been counting in 2s,5s and 10s.
We learnt about the Advent wreath and which candles are lit on which week. We coloured in our own version and labeled each candle.
DT and Art
We painted our Christmas cards ready for next week where we will add on our mechanism - either a slider or a lever. We used a printing technique to apply our paint.
We learnt about timelines - what they teach us and how we read them. Then, we predicted what we think future toys will look like. There were some great ideas!
We learnt about what animals need to survive. We then compared this to what they want and the difference between the two. We delved deeper into the 4 main needs - food, air, water and shelter and wrote about each one.
Outdoor Learning
This week it has been so cold but we don't mind! We started our session by looking at our shadows and we also talked out the full moon we'd seen. We played some running games to keep warm.
We made some Christmas decorations using braches of willow. We used willow because it is so flexible and we could easily make it into a shape.We tied knots in the wool to decorate our willow. We showed great perseverance and imagination.
We continued with our robot dance. One group has completely finished! We will show each other our dances next week.
Sumdog challenges
Phonics - ea/e_e words OR oi words
Maths - 2D and 3D shape recap
Practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Start at different numbers. Count forwards and backwards.
Please read for at least 10 minutes every night.