Year 1 Friday Blog 1st October 2021
Date: 29th Sep 2021 @ 2:21pm
W/C 27/09/21 Year 1 blog
We've had another super week of learning in Year 1! The children have been so busy and we are so proud of them all.
We continued to read our 'Dogger' story and we learnt that Dave's favourite toy Dogger was found on a toy stall at the fair! We wrote about our favourite toy and Miss Fisher even brought in some of her favourite toys.
In Phonics, we have practiced using the 'ee' and 'ea' sounds in our sentences. We had some brilliant sentences in our morning work which made us giggle, such as 'The bee had teeth and went to the beach.'
In Maths, we have started to use the mastery approach in our learning. We have been looking at ways to make 10 and how teen numbers are made up of 1 group of 10s and some 1s. We have also been learning about 1 more and 1 less. All of the children have responded really well and have been doing lots of problem solving and they have also enjoyed being responsible for their own resource packs.
In Science we have been grouping animals by their features. We have been continuing our Geography learning by talking about the changes in our locality over time by comparing photos of Longton to seeing what has changed and what has stayed the same. We had P.E. in the hall this week and we did really well with our fundamental skills. In French we learned how to say colours. We also celebrated European Languages Day by singing a song with ways to say hello in different languages.
In our collective worships we have been thinking about how we can look after God's world. We have talked about practical choices we can make every day. In R.E. we have been listening to psalms and we wrote a thank you prayer.
Thank you for all the donations you have sent in for the Harvest.
Look on the class gallery to see our golden stars for this week.
For your Home Practice,
Please read for at least 10 minutes every day. It really does make all the difference. We change the books on a Friday, please sign the diary.
There are also tricky words on green card which your child needs to be able to read on sight. Play games with these words, match them, find them when you are out and about.
Sumdog challenges this week...
Read and write numbers to 20
Please do lots of counting.Start at different numbers, count forwards and backwards. When you stop at a number what number is 1 more?,1 less? Ask your child how they know.
Reading challenge sh,th and ch.
Have a great weekend!