Year 1 Friday Blog 5th November 2021
Date: 4th Nov 2021 @ 9:55am
Welcome to your Friday blog!
It has been lovely to see the children settle straight back into school after the week off, we have had lots of fun this week!
We have been reading 'Aliens Love Underpants' in English, we have been laughing at how silly the aliens are! We have figured out why the aliens love underpants and have started to learn about the different planets in our solar system. It was lovely to see how excited the class were about the book and we have even read the additional stories that come with it: Dinosaurs Love Underpants and Pirates Love Underpants.
In Maths, we have started our new Measurement topic. We have been using our fingers, hands and feet to measure different objects in our classroom and learning new words such as tall, long, short, height, width and length. We have loved being able to work together with our friends to measure big objects!
In R.E. we have learnt about how our families love us. We have talked about how to show someone that you love them and we have written a thank you note to someone special in our life. In our Collective Worships, we have started to learn about Remembrance Day and how to look after our friends. This also linked to our French lesson where we looked at the similarities and differences between the ways in which England and France celebrate Remembrance Day. We even made our own poppy!
We have started our new dance topic in P.E. this week. We loved learning about how robots move and how we could travel across the room like a robot. In a few weeks, we will be creating our own robot dances with our friends.
We enjoyed getting the instruments out in Music and singing about Little Red Riding Hood with Mrs Winter.
We have been very busy this week! Have a look at some of our pictures below.
Our Golden Stars this week are: Joni, Alfie, Caleb, Evelyn, Trudy, Spencer and Jenson.
Home Practice
Read for at least 10 minutes every night. This is so important. please sign the diary so we can change the books. Keep practicing reading the Tricky Words on sight.
Practise using parts of your body to measure objects around your home. Can you use your finger width, your finger length and your hand span?
We have also been counting in 2s to 20 and 10s to 100. Count forwards and backwards from different starting numbers.
Sumdog challenges
Phonics - ow and ou words
Maths - counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. This is a bit trickier this week so have a go!