Year 1 Blog - Friday 2nd December 2022

Date: 30th Nov 2022 @ 3:47pm

December Stock Illustrations – 815,509 December Stock Illustrations,  Vectors & Clipart - Dreamstime

Welcome to your Friday blog!


Simon Bartram - Bob's Best Ever Friend | Picture book, Fairy book, Fantasy  illustration


This week we have been learning through the story of Bob and his best ever friend. His friend is an alien dog called Barry. We drew and described some alien pets-we got ideas from a fabulous picture of the pet shop Bob visits. We wrote captions about all the things Bob and his pet could do together. We also made posters advertising Bob's trips to the moon.


half circle - St Cyprian's Greek Orthodox Primary Academy


We have started to learn about fractions and used our existing knowledge of part-whole models to understand them. We learnt that fractions are made up of parts and whole and that these parts are usually of equal size. We starting exploring halves in shapes.



We have been learning alternative pronunciations, a as in alien and a as in was. We already know a as in act.

1,220 Kids Waiting In Line Illustrations & Clip Art - iStock


We started our 'waiting' topic and explored the meaning of waiting - is it hard or easy? Then we wrote about a time that we have had to wait and then learnt about the liturgical calendar in relation to Advent.

Troll Stinks! by Jeanne Willis


We read an interesting story about about some billy goats who used their phones to intimidate a troll. We learnt that it was a twist on the Three Billy Goats story. We talked about how it was not a good choice to be mean and how our actions have consequences. We wrote our own postitive texts, that included messages such as "you are amazing" and "I am sorry, please could I be your friend?".

Refer To Insert Symbol Used On Cosmetics Products Sign Displaying Hand  Pointing To Text In Open Book Meaning Read Instructions Stock Illustration  - Download Image Now - iStock


We finished planning our Christmas card by writing the instructions that we will need to follow. We then wrote the messages to go inside our cards. We thought really carefully about the message and who we would like to give our card to!


138 Butterfly Life Cycle Illustrations & Clip Art - iStock


We built upon our knowledge from the past few weeks and learnt about how certain animals grow and change. We learnt about life cycles, especially that of a butterfly, and compared it to a human's life. We then drew our own examples of life cycles.


The Channel at Gravelines, in the Direction of the Sea, 1890 - Georges  Seurat -


Our next artist focus was Georges Seurat. We learnt that his artwork was wholly made up of dots. We had a go at creating our own digital sunflower using just the paintbrush and adding dots. It was hard not to use the fill button on our paintings!


Helen Frankenthaler | Gagosian


We painted our own Christmas trees using the style used by Helen Frankenthaler. We learnt that our painting didn't have to be perfect - it will always be a work of art.

Scavenger Hunt Winners Announced - Avenidas

Outdoor learning

Our first session this week started with some active games to keep us warm! We then went on a Winter scavenger hunt. We looked for lichen on a tree, a hole in a tree, a leaf skeleton, a tree stump and shadows amongst other things-we are getting really good at spotting changes.

Our second session started with some free play in the nature area. Everyone had amazing ideas for games and we showed  great imagination and co-operation.

We then revisited an activity we have tried before- making obstacle courses! We used what learnt last time and made really challlenging courses which involved balancing, jumping, running and throwing. Great team work was shown and medals were awarded-made of sticks and leaves of course!

Christmas Santa Mini Cardboard Cutout - 87cm Product Image


Santa Dash

We had great fun doing our santa dash. The children all looked amazing. Please send in your sponsor money.

Nativity Scene svg Christmas svg merry christmas svg image 1


We are looking forward to performing our nativity in church next Tuesday. We have been trying so hard to learn the songs and actions.


Home Practice

Sumdog challenges

Phonics - high frequency words OR ow words

Maths - halves

Practise counting in 2s, 5s and 10s. Start at different numbers. Count forwards and backwards.

Please read every night for at least 10 minutes.

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
