Year 1 Home Practice 30th April 2021
Date: 28th Apr 2021 @ 2:21pm
Welcome to your Friday blog.
This week we have been finding out even more about Katie Morag. We wrote some instructions for her to help her to tidy her bedroom. We met her big boy cousins who got up to mischief!

In Maths we have been reading, writing and drawing numbers. We have been making numbers up to 100 with Numicon and looking at comparing and ordering 2 digit numbers. Super learning everyone!
We have been learning about the different continents and looking at an atlas. We heard lots of good questions and even renamed our tables.

In P.E. we continued with our Athletics skills with bean bag races - we were very competitive and showed great encouragement to eachother!

PE kits - We have been sending everyone home in their PE kits on Tuesdays so to get the full 2 hours of PE and not lose any learning time getting changed at the end of the day. However we would like everyone to have their kits in school everyday as we will be doing lots of sports in the Summer term.
Every day we run our daily mile, well done to Willow who was awarded the daily mile trophy in Golden Assembly this morning.
Home Learning
Read, read and read some more. Children who read regularly make huge progress in their fluency and understanding. Embedding good reading habits at this stage will create a love of reading and set your children up to succeed.
We will change the reading books on Tuesday. Please make sure all books have been read and diaries signed.

We have also set up some spelling and number challenges on Sumdog. Regular practise of spelling and number facts will prepare the children for any new learning they meet at school. Well done to everyone is including regular skills practise into their daily routines.
Spelling - Words beginning with consonant blends
Maths - Shape challenge and Number skills
Have a lovely long weekend and we will see you all next week.