Year 1 Home Practice 7th May 2021
Date: 7th May 2021 @ 12:42pm
Welcome to your Friday blog!

We have really enjoyed reading all the Katie Morag stories. This week we read a story about a wedding on the Isle of Struay. We made some beautiful invitations. We have been carefully checking our writing and looking for ways to make it even better.

Next week we will be learning through the story of The Lighthouse Keeper's Lunch.
In Maths we have been practising our 10 more and 10 less learning and looked at adding 1 and subtracting 1 to any 2 digit number. Everyone has really tried hard in their number lessons and never given up when our learning got tricky!

Mrs Quilliam showed us some flowers and we have explored them using magnifying glasses. We had a great time with Mrs Winter in our Music session this week playing our boomwhackers to some Red Riding Hood songs.

We had some special visitors in our Golden Assembly from The Players. We did some acting and some singing! Look out for a flyer and contact the office if your child wants to sign up. The sessions run on Fridays after school.

Home Learning
Continue to read every night. Your children are developing a love of reading and story and they are loving all the new texts we have added to our library.

Books will be changed on a Friday or a Monday. It is important to re-read the books we send home and ask lots of questions about what they remember from previous reads. Re-reading will improve comprehension as well as fluency.
We will extend the Sumdog maths challenges to give everyone a chance to complete them. If you have, look at the maths training and all new challenges will appear on the site.
This week we have been looking at the or, aw, au, al, or and ore sounds. Have a go at the spelling Challenge on Sumdog.
Have a lovely weekend everyone!