Year 2 Blog- Friday 14th February
Date: 11th Feb 2025 @ 9:52am
Wow! This half term has flown by!
Well done to everyone in Y2 for working so hard and doing great learning over the last few weeks.
Home Practice
Reading: In Year 2, children should read for at least 15/20 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.
Spelling: Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Friday (28.02.25):
could should would called about friends other favourite altogether again
Sumdog: Complete the 'Multiplication/Division' challenge.
Counting: Play the monster game below and work on your number and problem solving skills.
Times Tables: After half term, Y2 will be doing times tables quizzes just like their spelling quiz.
The first times table quiz will be on a Thursday (27.02.25) and it will be the 10x table in order. For example, 1x10 = 10, 2x10 = 20 etc.
A 10x times table poster was sent home to help with this.
Follow the link below to play 'Hit The Button' and do a bit more practise on your 2, 5, 10 and 3 times tables.
We planned and wrote our own story book based on The Magic Finger and tried to use eveything we had learnt from the story so far.
We spent time learning about the different ways to spell to, too and two. Then we learnt the differences between their, there and they're.
During Maths lessons, we have been learning a lot about multiplication and division.
The children have used arrays, repeated addition and times tables to solve problems and looked at sharing and grouping to help them answer division questions.
Forest School
This week we discussed how to be safe around the fire.
We toasted marshmallows.
We also had plenty of time for our own learning and exploring.
The children learnt that when we want to say sorry to God, we can go to Church and have the Sacrament of Reconciliation.
The children wrote out the special prayer (Act of Contrition) that is said with the Priest and decorated it beautifully. They also thought about how we can put things right by doing good things (Act of Penance).
The children were architects and moved from drawing buildings to making model structures using art straws, card, paper, lolly sticks and pipe cleaners.
Have a great Half Term Holiday with your family and friends.
Year 2 Team.