Year 2 Blog Friday 24th May

Date: 24th May 2024 @ 1:04pm

Over half term there will be Sumdog challenges to complete but no spellings or time tables.

Please try to read your books over half term.

This week in Year 2


This week we finished our novel 'Greta and the Giants' by Zoe Tucker. We learned more about non-fiction writing  and wrote about Greta Thunberg. We researched all about her using I-pads, created a fact file about her and her work and discussed the importance of her actions. We also re-told the story of 'Greta and the Giants'.


This week we have used the skill of exchanging for addition and subtraction.


This week we learnt all about Mary, the Mother of Jesus and her importance to us. May is the month we remember Mary.


We created a beautiful art canvas using acrylic paint during our topic of expressive painting. We all enjoyed painting a meadow and mixing the paint to create new colours. 


#30 Days Wild
As a school we are going to take part in a celebration of everything nature has to offer. This is an initiative set up by The Wildlife Trust. In June, we will be providing opportunities for all children to experience and learn about the wildlife on their doorstep, helping to nurture happier, healthier children, and create allies for our precious natural neighbours.



The children who are attending football club with Mrs Sheen on Monday (starting after half term) are to wear their PE kits. Please bring trainers if they are not already in PE bags.


Have a lovely half term - ready for our final half term in Year 2!


Year 2 Team 

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
