Year 2 Blog Thursday 19th October

Date: 19th Oct 2023 @ 3:32pm

Halloween Disco by VARIOUS ARTISTS on Amazon Music -                                             




Year 2 have had a brilliant week of learning.

Thank you to everyone who came to parents evening, it was great to meet you all.

In Maths, the children have added three 1 digit numbers, spotting number bonds and adding on. In English the children have continued to read ‘The bear and the piano’. We have also had a focus on poem writing and performing this week. The children performed a brilliant poem called ‘The fantastic Five’. In Geography we have learnt more about the 4 seasons in the UK and looked at the seasons through our windows. In PSHE we have looked at the different types of bullying, including: verbal, cyber, social and physical. In History we have looked at objects from the Great Fire of London. In Computing we have focused on online safety. In RE the children have been thinking about the signs and symbols of baptism. The children have drawn a beautiful baptism candle.

French - This week in our French lesson we recapped the numbers 1-10 again. The children counted out loud and joined in with the Number Song in French, which got faster each time. We then counted our Pirate friends’ treasure and matched some counting cards with their coins or parrots to the correct digit. The children could all do this in French with each other! As an extra challenge, the children had to choose the correct digit for the French word. This wasn’t in order and they had a choice of four different options. Year 2 did very well! They have worked really hard this half term, recapping and learning French Greetings and numbers 1-10. Next half term, they will be ready to have some new sessions about days of the week, months of the year, weather, clothes and classroom instructions and labels (after we’ve learned about French Halloween!).

Music - We sang In my hands In my feet In my heart, with actions, and learnt to clap the rhythms. We also played the rhythms from the song on tambours and tambourines. We enjoyed our final performance of You are my sunshine on the boom whackers. 

Hot Chocolate Hand Drawn 15321581 PNG

Forest School

This week we used a new piece of equipment,our Kelly Kettle. We talked about being safe around the fire. We went into the nature area to collect sticks and twigs to fuel our fire. We made sure the twigs were dry and not too big. The water didn't take long to get warm and we all enjoyed some delicious hot chocolate.

In our other session we had a go at building shelters. We used ropes, traps, tent pegs, mats and clasps. We showed amazing teamwork and resilience as well as great communication.

Home Practice


In Year 2, children should read for at least 15 minutes every night and talk about the book. This will help with understanding the text and learning new words.

You could look in a thesaurus and see what other words have the same meaning as the one you have found.

Please date, sign and leave a small comment when you have read with your child and make it clear that you have finished a book, then we know we can change it. For Example - 14.09.22 Max’s Box. Read to page 6, really enjoying the book or good sounding out of tricky words or struggled with the word – because/finished the book. MG.

Reading books are changed every MONDAY. You will receive 2-4 books depending on their length, they should last the week, if you read a little each night. However, if you need to change a book at any other time, we will change it as needed.


Please practise these spellings for your quiz on Wednesday (02.11.23). A sheet will go home every Wednesday with the spelling list on. This is for home practise only and can be kept with you.

Here are the spellings for this week:

mind                   climb

behind                 most

child                    only

wild                     both

children               because


At home, can you count in 5s up to 60 forwards and backwards?

Try and challenge yourself to count up to 100.


You will have an addition challenge and a spellings challenge to be completed by next week.

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Our PE day is going to be FRIDAY.

Our BOOK change will be MONDAY.

You will get SPELLINGS on WEDNESDAYS and a quiz will be the following WEDNESDAY.

SumDog challenges will be set every FRIDAY.

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
