Year 3 Blog Friday 3rd March 2023

Date: 3rd Mar 2023 @ 3:36pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

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This week we have done some amazing learning and have been spotted by lots of staff for our lovely manners and behaviour in class. 

We have been enjoying our story and been learning alot about what life was like in South Africa during Apartheid. The children have asked some thoughtful questions and included some lovely ideas in their writing. We also have been planning a news report on the 'pass raid' at the train station. Next week we will be finishing our Journey to Jo'burg and completing our news reports.

Beverley Naidoo - writer, author, novelist, children's author, Journey to Jo 'burg, UK, SA - journey to jo'burg

In Maths we have been learning some new strategies to divide numbers into groups of 3,4,5 and 8. We have learned about remainders and how to use repreated addition to find how may groups are ina number. Have a go at the questions we have sent home and the Sumdog challenge.

We have also started our new topic, Mechanisms and Linkages in DT. We looked at some of the mechanisms created by last year's Year 3 class and talked about what we already know about mechanisms. We had a lot of interesting answers. We also met some new vocabulary. Here is the vocabulary list for this topic.

Y3  DT Mechanisms vocab.png

In French this week, we learnt how to say 'I have' and 'I have not' using the pencil case vocabulary we learnt last week.  We were able to say, read and write these sentences - well done, Y3. 
In Science, we compared different soils, discussing what was the same about them and what was different. We then chose some seeds to plant in different soils to see which soil is best for growing. We also made some soil shakers - jars of water, each with different soils in. We shook them up and watched them settle into different layers. We will leave them to settle for a week and observe next week to see if this helps us see what soil is made of. We also had a look at an amazing rock collection belonging to Isaiah in Y6 who kindly it brought it in to show us. What a busy afternoon!


Home Practice

Continue to read your school books and have a go with your questioning. Practising these skills will ensure your children continue to improve as readers.

We have set a spelling, maths and times tables challenge. Try to complete these as they link to our learning in school.

Your spellings this week are all adopting different spelling rules and strategies. Talk about how you remember these words and wht strategies you could use to spell them.












Have a lovely weekend

Sunshine Pre-School Bristol – Your child's start to a brighter future

The Year 3 team






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St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
