Year 3 Blog Friday 6th December 2024
Date: 6th Dec 2024 @ 2:42pm
Welcome to your Friday Blog
We have had a great week in Year 3! We learned lots of new division strategies and finished our collage topic in art, using our skills to create some lovely Christmas cards.
Home Practice
It is lovely hearing about all the fantastic home reading and books the children are getting for Christmas. The children are all making fantastic progress and improving all their reading skills. Keep it up!
In maths this week, we learnt the grouping method for division with remainders Even though everyone picked up the method really quickly, a lot of us are still making mistakes with our times tables. Fluency in these will give your children the best chance to succeed when they meet trickier learning, as well as boosting their confidence! We have set some number fact Sumdog challenges on Sumdog this week.
Accuracy + Speed = Fluency.
Counting Practice - X3
Your spellings this week all begin with auto-, super- and pre- . Try and practise a little every night.
supermarkerket, superman, superstar, autobiography, autograph, prehistoric, preface, prefix, automatic, automate, autonomy, predate, supermodel, supernatural, supernova
This week in Year 3
In RE this week we read the scripture about when Joseph was visited by an angel to tell him that Mary was about to have a baby. We created some lovely angels and talked about how Joseph must have felt.
In English this week we started our new novel The Ice Palace by Robert Swindells. We explored letter writing and wrote a letter as Ivan to tell his parents where he had gone.
We had a handball festival on Tuesday. Check out our gallery!
We had a great time doing our Santa Dash on Tuesday this week! See our gallery!
Forest school - It was a wet and muddy afternoon in the nature area. We showed great teamwork and cooperation. We used willow to make a shape and then decorated it with wool, beads and wooden shapes. Great knot tying skills were shown.