Year 3 Blog Thursday 24th October 2024
Date: 24th Oct 2024 @ 4:10pm
Welcome to your end of half term blog
We have had a fantastic start to year 3 and are so impressed with how everyone has settled in and become juniors.
This week we completed our Journey stories and read them to year 2. We looked at how to start our sentences differently to add detail and move the story on. Everyone had a go at drafting their work and publishing it into their own book! Check out our gallery.
In maths we have been practising the formal methods of addition and subtraction and remembering to use our number facts to help us.
On Friday, leading on from our PSHE topic about relationships, we talked about our identity and what that meant to us. We then discussed how it was important not to share too much of your identity on line. We looked at some of our avatars and then created some of our own. Super Learning Year 3!