Year 3 Friday 10th March 2023
Date: 9th Mar 2023 @ 4:15pm
Welcome to your Friday Blog
What a fantastic week of learning we have had. Our Japanese visitors have been amazing and taught us so much about their culture. On Tuesday we learned all about the traditon of Mamemaki, where houses ward off evil spirits by chasing away an ogre called Setsubun with soy beans. We also used chopsticks to count our age in soy beans. It was great fun. Have a look at our photos here. On Friday we performed a dance called The Swallow - ???. Check it our in our galleries.
Our Japanese students now return to Japan. We would like to wish Minori well and give her a huge thank you!
In English we have finished our novel, journey to Jo'burg. We thoroughly enjoyed this story as a class and created some lovely pieces of work. Next week we start Toro, Toro by Michael Morpurgo, a tale about the relationship between a young boy and his bull Paco.
In Maths we have been reading scales and solving problems with capacity and volume. We used our estimating and rounding skills to explain our thinking. Everyone has really improved with their use of mathematical vocabulary in their explaining. Well done Year 3!
In our History learning we learned all about when the Ancient Egytpian era began and how to order event chronologically using BCE and CE. We learned about common time and how archeologists can date artefacts by how close they are to the surface. Here is some of the key vocabulary we will meet in the coming weeks.
era, artefact, chronology, scribe, hieroglyphs, polytheistic, obelisk, temple, preserve, prepare,
pyramid, chamber, Egyptologist, chariot, invade, bronze, archer, trade, expand, monarchy, empire
Home Practice
Continue to read your school books and have a go with your questioning. Practising these skills will ensure your children continue to improve as readers.
On your Sumdog challenges this week we have set times tables practice and an addition and Subtraction challenge.
Keep practising you timestables on Sumdog and one minute maths.
Your spellings this week have the -ce spelling pattern.