Year 3 Friday 16th June 2023
Date: 16th Jun 2023 @ 8:19am
Welcome to your Friday Blog
This week we have been enjoying all our learning, even with the warm temperatures. We have had our second yoga session with Katie and loved dancing in our Dance from the Heart performance.
In English we have been reading our new story, Toby and the Silver Blood Witches. We have met Toby and his friends Jazz and Roger and learned all about how he cares for his mum and how he has met strange woman in his attic. This story is filled with suspense and mystery and we can't wait to find out what happens.
In maths we have been revisiting our multiplication and division strategies. Some of us have found this tricky but tried hard to remember our number facts and methods. Next week we will continue to work on multiplication and division problems so have a go at the bumper times table challenge on Sumdog to improve your child's flency when it comes to their number facts.
In our computing learning we have been learning all about events and using these to create our own games. You can play some of our flappy bird creations in the gallery we posted earlier this week. We are currently working on a chasing game. We hope to publish some of these next week.

Home Practice
Read to somebody at home every night for 20 minutes. Talk about what you have read.
This week we have noticed although everyone is improving with the recall of their times tables, we need to improve our speed. We have set a 200 question times table challenge on all your year 3 times tables. Quick and accurate recall will help your child with their resoning when solving multiplication and division problems.
Next week we will learning the different pronunciations for the 'ou' spelling pattern. We will also be revisiting our compund words and spelling strategies. Here are your spellings.
Have a lovely weekend and a happy Father's day to all the Dads and Grandads
The Year 3 Team