Year 3 Friday 20th January 2023
Date: 20th Jan 2023 @ 2:39pm
Welcome to your Friday Blog

This week we have enjoyed our new story The Butterfly Lion. We have been describing Bertie's home and retold the story where he saved the little lion from the hyenas. Everyone has been working hard to improve their writing this week and taking care with their presentation.
In our maths we have been learning a new strategy to add more efficiently. When adding 19, we can add 20 and take away 1, when we add 39, we can add 40 and take away 1. We have also been practising our x8 tables. Keep working on these as well as our x2, x5, x10, x3 and x4.
In Art, as part of our textiles learning we have been exploring African patterns and colour. Inhis topic we will be experimenting with different fabric paints and dyes. We will be designing and creating our own African cloth bag. Have a look at our gallery here.

In Science, we compared rocks to decide which would be best for making a patio outside the classroom. The children had loads of ideas of the properties that a good rock for a patio should have and tested the different rocks for hardness, permeability, slippiness and appearance when wet. They then used their results to decide which rock was best. Most children thought granite was best - a good, if expensive, choice!
In PE, we have been exploring movement and dance in our new Superheroes topic. We have been using poses and actions as our own superhero. Well done Year 3!
Home Practice
Continue to read every night. It has been lovely to see everyone bringing in books to share with the class. Dogman is proving popular as well as some exciting books about rocks and space. Everyone is enjoying their reading!
On Sumdog we have set some challenges. Continue with the regular practice, our mental maths and explanations have really improved this year. Well done!
Your spellings this week all begin with the dis- prefix.
disuse dislike disarm disconnect discover disagree disappoint disappear disinfect disable