Year 3 Friday 21st June 2024

Date: 21st Jun 2024 @ 4:00pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Home Practice

Keep reading your school books for at least 15 minutes a night. 

Books Read GIF

In maths practice counting forwards and backwards. See our previous blog posts. Everyone is showing great improvements with their knowledge of the number system. Keep it up!

On Sumdog, have a go at the challenges. We have set a times tables and a multiplication challenge.

Your spellings this week are...

Spellings 21.06.png

This week in Year 3

We are loving our novel 'Finding Alfie'. The main character is in France trying to find more clues as to who Alfie was. We have written some brilliant pieces including a letter home from Michael describing his adventure. 

Michael Morpurgo's Finding Alfie is a poignant tale of D-Day

In Maths, we have been revisiting the grid method and number sequences. The progress everyone has made in maths this year is amazing. The mental maths and number fluency has really improved. Well done Year 3!

In Art, we have been using natural materials to make collages and pictures. Check out our gallery.

Excellent Editorial Illustration Part 1 curated by AOI – The AOI

 In PE, we have been learning new striking skills in our tennis topic. We practised 'catching' the ball on our racket and then passing it to our partners. We attempted some rallies and a bounce pass with the racket. Super PE!

Tram Teatro Esempio animated tennis gif dedizione Accor incidente

We have also been practising our dance for the Dance From The Heart Roadshow which is coming soon.

Year 3's Seesaw will be open for the final 2 weeks of term. You will receive a QR code on your child's report to access their Seesaw learning from this year.

Have a great weekend everyone.

Sun Sunshine Sticker


From the Year 3 Team

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
