Year 3 Friday 24th March 2023
Date: 24th Mar 2023 @ 4:04pm
Welcome to your Friday blog.
This week we have been working hard on our writing presentation and enjoyed reading our new story, Toro! Toro! We have also been exploring our Ancient Egypt learning and writing our own hyroglyphics.
In English we have met Uncle Juan the Matador and Antonio has gone to his first Corrida. We wrote some responses as Antonio, exploring his feelings and what we would have done in his shoes. We also have planned a report on the bullfight ready for next week. Everyone has worked hard this week to make their writing look beautiful on the page.
In Maths we have been revisiting our column addition and subtraction. A lot of our learning from last term was remembered and lots of good reasoning was explained along the way. We also revisited our angles learning and learned all about parallel and perpendicular lines.

Home Practice
Continue to read every night for at least 15 minutes.
Check out our Sumdog challenges. This week we are practising our addition and subtraction. Continue to access the Sumdog Training tool. We have recently reset everyones account so that they are challenged on their hard skills. Well done on those who are practising regularly, we have seen a massive improvement in tables accuracy!
In our spellings, the children have been revisiting our spelling rules for past tense verbs. Knowing these rules will help your children to spell words more accurately. Here are your home spellings for this week.
We are also revisiting our OO,EW and U-E sounds spelling as some of us aren't totally accurate with these just yet.
Have a great weekend
The Year 3 Team