Year 3 Friday blog 28th February 2025

Date: 28th Feb 2025 @ 3:47pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Sun Sunshine Summer - Free GIF on Pixabay

It was lovely seeing you all on parents' evening and the children were very proud to show off all their learning!

Home Practice

Continue with your amazing reading at home. Everyone has made great progress in their reading this year so far.

Your home spellings are all a recap of the common words from Key Stage 1. Some of these can be decoded with phonics but it will also help to learn them by sight. Lots of regular practise will help this.


On Sumdog we have set the usual challenges. Everyone has a individual times table target now and this will be set in their times tables challenge. We will review these every week.

Sumdog have just launched a new fluency booster that is automatically available when your child signs into the app. This feature will direct you to skills that your child needs to improve on to boost their number fluency and will automatically update to meet their fluency needs.
We advise that your child spends at least 10 minutes a day on their booster feature as well as completing the maths focus and times tables challenges. 
This week in year 3
We have had a great week back in year 3!
In RE we started our new topic called Desert to Garden. We learned about the feeding of the 5000 and acted it out in our groups. Have a look at our gallery.
The Miracle of Jesus Feeding 5000 People: Inspiration for Faith | by Catur  C. Nugroho | Medium
In English we really enjoyed getting back into our Toro Toro story. We read about Antonito's first bullfight and wrote our own versions. Everyone is working hard to make their writing look beautiful on the page.
The Bullfighters GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHY
In maths we have been learning all about 2D shapes and the angles within them. We met lots of new vocabulary this week and everyone showed great understanding.
perpendicular, parallel, angle, acute, obtuse, reflex
In DT we have been making some mechanisms and learning how fixed and loose pivots work. Everyone showed great persistence with their designs.
In PE we started our tag rugby topic and played a few games on the field. 
For our music learning this week we used Charanga to listen to a song about Dragons and will be using YuStudio on the iPads to write our own music based on the Dragon song we listened to.
Have a lovely weekend 
OG Rainbow Watercolor image 1
The Year 3 Team

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
