Year 3 Friday 30th June 2023
Date: 29th Jun 2023 @ 2:01pm
Welcome to your Friday Blog!
We have had a fun filled week of learning in Year 3 this week. On Monday we were visitied by the brilliant poet. Ian Bland. He taught us how to write Kennings and read us some of his hilarious poems.
In English we have really enjoyed our new story. We have met some new witches and learned a lot more about the mysterious S.M.I. We focused on descriptive writing this week and are using some great openers to our sentences.
In Maths this week we have been learning about decimals and how they are related to fractions. We have been partitioning mixed numbers and comparing our decimals.
In Art this week we have glazed our canonic jars ready for going home. They look great! Next week is Art week and our class will be using natural materials to make images.
This week we did our yoga session outside with Kate. We learned some positive affirmations and balance poses. Have a look at our gallery.
We also had a fabulous Sports Day on Tuesday. Everyone outperformed their personal bests and showed great attitudes and teamwork. Aidan came out victorious but every house was amazing.

Have a great weekend
The Year 3 Team