Year 3 Friday 31st January 2025

Date: 31st Jan 2025 @ 3:48pm

Welcome to your Friday Blog

Hello and welcome to your Friday Blog

Rainbow gif(1).gif

Everyone has been amazing this week! We have written some brilliant poems and acted out scenes from the Bible.

Home practice

Keep up with your brilliant reading at home. We've seen lots of book changes and children sharing their stories from home. Well done year 3!

Your spellings this week all have the ending -ure

measure, pleasure, treasure, enclosure, furniture, creature, furniture, cure, picture, nature, adventure, sure, capture, leisure, literature, manicure, departure, puncture, mixture, temperature

We have set 2 maths Sumdog challenges, one for your fractions learning and one for practising your times tables.

This week in Year 3

We have loved reading Orion and the Dark. This week we finished retelling our stories and read them to Year 4. 

They were very impressed! Check out our gallery!

a cartoon character with blue eyes is standing next to a boy with netflix written on the bottom

We also listened to Michael Rosen's poem After Dark and used it to create some great poetry of our own,

In maths we have been learning to solve fraction problems involving amounts. We showed great understanding and applied our knowledge brilliantly.

a drawing of a colorful circle with a black outline on a white background

In RE we have been learning about the parables Jesus told his followers. We created a comic, acted out some scenes and played a game of Ping Pong where we asked and answered eachother's questions.

In History we have been learning about how the Neolithic people created round houses using the wattle and daub technique. The children showed great interest and asked fantastic questions. You are all super historians!

a cartoon illustration of the stone age with trees and people

In Geography we have been investigating the animals who are native to North America and looked at our new atlases and globe.

a blue globe with a black base and a black border

Have a lovely weekend

The Year 3 Team

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St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
