Year 3 Friday 4th March 2022

Date: 4th Mar 2022 @ 3:57pm

Welcome to your Friday blog.

Wallpaper GiF

We have had a great week of learning in Year 3. We finished reading our novel, The Butterfly Lion. The children really enjoyed the story and we had lots of deep and thoughtful discussions about the book. The children created some lovley pieces of writing this week. We wrote a persuasive piece to welcome people to the Cirque Merlot, a character description of Bertie and a newspaper article abour how Bertie recieved the Victoria cross. The children remembered how we write for different purposees and what they had to include in their writing. Well done Year 3!

Next week we will begin our new story. We can't wait!

Roaring Lions GIFs - 44 Animated Images of Growling Lions

In our maths learning we have been learning new ways to add and subtract using three digit numbers. We explored our strategies, how we use our jottings to show our thinking and how we can find the most efficient way to solve problems. We have been very impressed with everyone's attitude in maths, especially when the learning gets tricky!

Thinking Hmm GIF - Thinking Think Hmm - Discover & Share GIFs

In our DT this week we have developed our ideas and created a prototype of our moving picture. The children showed great perseverance and creativity in their work.

Here is a snapshot of some of our learning.

As it was Mardi Gras this week, and the theme of the Carnaval de Nice this year is Roi des Animaux, we made some animal -inspired face masks. They're great! Next week, we'll try to describe them in French. Have a look below at our amazing display.

We also started our new topic in Science this week. We will be learning all about forces and motion. We investigated some of the new words we will meet. See what you can find out at home.

contact      non-contact     pull     push       friction       air-resistance        drag 

On Thursday, the Year 3 Science ambassadors ran their own science breaktime investigation on the playground. They showed how light and colour mixed and what is happening when light passes through coloured plastic.

Have a look here at some of our light learning from the last half term.

Year 1 paid us a visit to share their own stories on Friday afternoon. Year 3 were a great audience and gave year 1 some super comments on their books. See below.


Home Practice

On Sumdog we have set three challenges. Well done to everyone who went on last week. We could see how all the practise is helping with understanding in our lessons.

The spellings this week are from the Year 3 common exception word list.

 continue     decide    island     minute     difficult     earth     consider     enough     really     February

You can practise these spellings and more on Sumdog.


Continue to read to someone every night for at least 20 minutes.

Remember -  We will change the books whenever you need a new one.


Your maths challenges are on the 3 and 4 times table and adding using the column method.

10 minutes Sumdog practise every night will improve number fluency and understanding.

You will be tested on your spellings and times tables on Tuesday Make sure you practise every night.


You can also practise your number facts by playing Hit the button. Its a great game for improving speed and number fluency.


Have a fantastic weekend

The Year 3 Team

Stay Happy GIFs | Tenor


Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
