Year 3 Friday 7th March 2024
Date: 7th Mar 2025 @ 2:50pm
Welcome to your Friday blog
We have had a great week in Year 3 with World book day and the arrival of our Japanese visitors
Home Practice
Keep reading every night with an adult or on your own. Talk about what you have read and explore new books, magazines and newspapers.
We have set two Sumdog challenges, one is practising your times tables and the other is on addition and subtraction. We have seen a big improvement in fluency with times tables this week. Keep up the good work!
Remember to access the fluency booster feature too!
Your spellings this week are the Year 3 /4 statutory words
minute, nature, naughty, notice, occasional, occasionally, opposite, ordinary, particular,
mention, notice, peculiar, potatoes, perhaps, popular, often, pressure, position
This week in Year 3
In RE we have been learning the last supper story and comparing it with the feeding of the 5000. We created some beautiful pop up pictures and had some lovely ideas.
We have loved having our Japanese visitors. Next week they will be teaching us a Japanese dance!
We are loving Toro, Toro! This week we read about Paco's escape and how Antonito rescued him. We have been learning how to use conjunctions to develop our ideas.
In maths we have been learning the tricky column method for addition and subtraction. We use this method when we have to exchange.
In PE we played some handball and touch rugby, practising our invasion games and fundamental skills. Well done Year 3!
Today in DT we learned how to make a new mechanism. Everyone showed great perseverance when constructing their designs. Have a look in our galleries.
Have a great weekend
The Year 3 Team