Year 3 Friday 8th December 2023

Date: 8th Dec 2023 @ 8:00am

Welcome to your Friday Blog

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Home Practice

This week everyone has changed their book at least once. The reading bug is alive and well in Year 3!

Continue with your regular home reading and make sure you explore new authors, there are some fantastic new books out there.


For your online practice, we have set 2 multiplication challenges. Everyone was given their own times tables target to practise this week (check your Sumdog challenge). Make sure you know them inside out!

Keep up with your counting practice. It will help with your times tables recall. x3,x4,x8


Your home spellings this week all end with -ly. We explored this spelling pattern this week and tried to use more -ly words in our writing.

completely, bravely, slowly, quickly, unusually, carefully, finally, totally, weekly, vividly, truthfully, successfully


Next Wednesday is our final swimming lesson. Steve has been so impressed with the progress everyone has made and will treat us to a fun swim! Please don't forget your swimming kit!

Our annual Santa Dash is on Monday. Bring a Santa hat or costume. (We will have some spare)


In English we started our new novel, The Post Box Mystery by Robert Swindells. This is a classic mystery novel and the children are really enjoying it so far.


In maths we have been using the grid method to solve missing number problems and word problems. We have seen an improvement in the children's times tables speed and accuracy. Well done Year 3!


On Thursday we were treated to a live production of the Snow Queen. The children were stunned by the show. A brilliant theatre experience!


In history this week we have been using evidence and our interpretation skills to find out what the people in the paleolithic and mesolithic ages ate. We also created our own cave art using collage and stencilling skills. Have a look in our gallery.

Stone Age Technology by Ahmet Çukuryurt on Dribbble

On Friday we had our very own dance festival at St Oswald's! Check out our gallery. The video should be on StOswaldsTV soon!

Have a great weekend

6-8 years: Colours of the Rainbow - National Portrait Gallery

The Year 3 Team


Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
