Year 3 Friday 9th June 2023
Date: 9th Jun 2023 @ 8:23am
Welcome back to our final half term in Year 3
This term we will be preparing the children for Year 4 and doing some fantastic final topics in Geography, RE, Art and DT. We will also have our Sports Day and Tough Kidder to look forward to!

This week we have finished the BFG. What an amazing book! We wrote some persuasive letters to the Queen to help stop the giants and we corrected the BFG's writing from his dream labels. Great work Year 3!

In Maths we finished off our addition and subtraction topic with a huge focus on how we solve problems. We talked about when we can do calculations in our head and when do we need to use a jotting or a formal written method. Everyone could give reasons for why they chose different strategies and how they came to an answer! Super maths!
In French, we learnt how to give an opinion about animals using j'aime and je n'aime pas. We sang le Rock and Roll des Animaux - a favourite song!
In Science, we began a new topic about Forces and Magnets. We compared how things move on different surfaces and learnt that there are contact forces (eg friction) and non-contact forces (eg gravity). We explored magnets to learn about poles and whether all metals are attracted to magnets.
On Monday we started Yoga with Katie from the Lancashire Sports team. We learned how to do a sun salutation and began to create a yoga sequence. This links brilliantly to our gymnastics work from earlier in the year. Have a look in our galleries.
This week we also finished our History topic on the Ancient Egyptians. We learned all about the reign of Ramses II and how he strengthened the Egyptian Empire. We also learned of how the Egyptian empire came to an end with the invasions by Alexander the Great and later, the Romans. We also learned a little about Cleopatra and Marc Antony.
Next week we will be starting our Geography topic on the Polar Regions.
Home Practice
Keep up with the great reading! Grab a book and sit in the garden or make an outdoor reading spot.
We have set 2 Maths challenges on Sumdog. One on your times tables and one on addition and subtraction.
Your spellings are as follows. We have been looking at when we need to double the last letter before adding a suffix. The rules aren't very clear so we talked a lot about how by doing lots of reading you can spot when a word doesn't look quite right. This helps us become even better spellers.

Have a lovely weekend in the sun.

The Year 3 Team