Year 3 Friday Blog 22nd November 2024
Date: 22nd Nov 2024 @ 8:23am
Welcome to your Friday Blog
We have had a brilliant week in year 3, creating some fab Matisse inspired collages, playing our first games of dodgeball and going to the Parish Mass on Friday!
Home Practice
Continue with the brilliant home reading. We have loads of great school books in our Year 3 library, so keep changing your books and find something great to read.
We've set some new challenges on Sumdog. We continue to see improvements in number fact fluency. It is so important to know these when we meet new concepts in our maths. Keep up the regular practise!
Counting practise is also a great way to become familiar with the number system. Have a look at these counting songs.
Your spellings this week all have the prefix mis and dis. Remember to use your phonics and syllable strategies when attempting new words.
disappoint disagree disobey misbehave mislead misspell misunderstand misunderstood
misfire misguided misuse misspent misplace disgrace disguise
This week in Year 3
This Friday we visited Fr Michael for the Parish Mass. Everyone was very respectful and asked some great questions about Fr Michael's new books!
In English this week we have been reading Mammoth, Big Beast, Big city, Big Trouble! We have been writing in the first person as the mammoth and the people. It has been a great read! Next week we will be exploring non-fiction writing and reading How to Wash a Woolly Mammoth.
In maths we have learned a new method to multiply, the grid method! Everyone showed great understanding of this and we learnt how to multiply up to 20 times a number. Next week we are learning some new strategies for division.
In Forest School, we used vegetable peelers to whittle some balsa wood. We used different thicknesses of wood to see what effects we could achieve. Someone asked for some sandpaper and had a go at smoothing the edges.
![Poem: Matisse Cut-Outs, and a nod to David Hockney | Andrea Skevington](
Next week is our Advent assembly and we are looking forward to performing! We will send home a line for your child to learn on Monday.
Have a lovely weekend
The Year 3 Team