Year 3 Friday Blog 2nd December 2022
Date: 1st Dec 2022 @ 9:13pm
Welcome to your Friday Blog!
We have had a brilliant week in Year 3. Everyone was a amazing on Thursday afternoon at our Advent parent assembly. Well Done Year 3!
This week we have also enjoyed reading The Postbox Mystery by Robert Swindells. We have been working hard on our sentence writing this week and added some more pieces to our Proud Wall.
In maths we have been looking at division and been practising our grid method learning from last week. Well done to everyone who has been practising these at home. There has been some great understanding and explanations in our class this week!
In PE we have been learning some new hockey skills including passing, dribbling and trapping the ball. This is part of our invasion games learning. Have a look at our gallery here.
In RE we started our new topic for Advent. It is called Visitors will look at family, preparations and the Christmas story.
We also revisited our computing learning on Friday. We learned how to use onion skinning to make our animations run smoothly. Next week, can we have some toy models to create our final stop frame animations. Two characters and one prop max. This can be a toy car or a train or small setting.
Home Learning
Continue to read regularly for 15-20 minutes every day. Here is a helpful poster for ways you can help your child with their reading.
Maths - We have set 2 Sumdog challenges. One looking at the relationship between multiplication and division and one on our x8 times tables. We can see lots of regular practice is going on at home and it is making a huge difference for everyone in our maths lessons.
Have a look at our counting by 8 song here.
Your home spellings this week are...
playtime birthday breakfast ballroom cupcake chairman
sunflower dishcloth doorway patchwork
We will be learning how to use words we know to spell compound words. Practise these on Sumdog or by having a go of some of them activities on your spelling sheet.
In school we have been learning how to use syllables more effectively in our writing and looking carefully when we spell our words. We are seeing a great improvement in our spelling. Well done Year 3!
Unfortunately we have had an issue with our printer in school and are unable to print out the spellings and maths sheets. We will send these out on Monday.
Have a great weekend everyone!