Year 3 Friday Blog 5th July 2024

Date: 5th Jul 2024 @ 3:42pm

Welcome to your Friday blog

Home Practice.
Read read and read again! Continue with the great reading habits you have had all year. The Library will be visiting soon to tell us all about their Summer reading scheme. We can't wait!
We have set 3 challenges on Sumdog. Keep practising your number facts and spelling.
Here are your spellings for this week. These will be the last home spellings of the year but there is still plenty of practise available on Sumdog Training.

completely   bravely   slowly   quickly   unusually   carefully    finally   totally    weekly    vividly   truthfully     successfully

This week in Year 3

This week we finished our novel Finding Alfie. We wrote some fantastic book reviews, our best yet!

We Love Books, 43% OFF |

In Maths, we revisited our division strategies and found them a lot more manageable! Great remembering and applying your knowledge Year 3!

In RE, we discussed the special places Jesus had in his lifetime. We read some scripture to remember why these places were special to Him.


 In Science, we created some quizzes about plants and showed off all the learning we've picked up this term.

Talk To Plants GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHY

In Art, we made some brilliant Cyanotograph prints using natural materials. These are still developing and you'll see them next week! They're brilliant!

Lino Print GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHY

This week in DT we deconstructed and reconstructed some sandwiches, exploring the methods we'll need to make our own. On Monday, we will be sending home the sandwich designs we have made.

On Friday, can the children please bring in the ingredients to make their sandwich (x1). We will be then carrying out a tasting session and evaluating our work as a class, Masterchef style!

Trex Sandwich GIFs - Find & Share on GIPHY

Have a lovely weekend and we'll see you at the Summer Fair tomorrow at 12.30!

Party Bunting Sticker by SuperBottoms

The Year 3 Team

Contact Us

St Oswald's Catholic Primary School

Chapel Lane, Longton, Preston, PR4 5EB

T: 01772 613402
