Year 3 Half Term Blog
Date: 10th Feb 2022 @ 3:45pm
We have had a great half term in Year 3.
We have really enjoyed our class novels Toro Toro and the Butterfly Lion.
Our maths learning has been fun but tricky, we have learnt different methods to multiply and divide.
It has been fascinating learning about light and shadows, and we loved our science trip to The Museum of Science and Industry. Have a look at our gallery here:
Investigating light and shadows
In PE we have been mastering different travels, rolls and jumps and have put these together to make our own routines.
Our PSHE topic has been all about families, we have talked about the fact that all families are different. We have also spent this week celebrating Children's Mental Health Week. We have thought a lot about things we are grateful for and things that make us happy. Everybody looked amazing dressing to express.
Our geography learning has included lots of map work to learn about Lancashire, Andalucia and the countries participiating in the Six Nations.
We are extremely proud of you all for your excellent attitude to learning - you make us happy every single day! Well done :)